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y/n stared at her phone, the light her phone illuminating her room. she looked at the phone not knowing how to reply. y/n put her phone down and said that a tomorrows problem. and tried to sleep. but had no success. all she thought about was what kiyoko gonna say. did she want to stop being friends, did she want to date. their were endless possibilities going through y/n's head.

at 3:10 am, y/n finally responded.

kiyo bby 😝


surprisingly kiyoko replied very fast, which for y/n confused.

kiyo bby 😝

whyd it take u so long to reply

did u wait for me to reply 🤨

yea we need to talk abt sum important


y/n knew kiyoko hates when she types dry cause that's not y/n, and when y/n does type dry she knows something is up. and something for sure was up.

kiyo bby 😝

i thinks it's better if we talk in person


do u wanna meet rn

nah im busy

with what it's 3 in the morning

just sum
i'll text when i wake up

alr ig
goodnight y/n 💓

kiyoko's pov

when i heard y/n say she loves me, my heart did cartwheels, i was over the moon but when i looked at her. she looked scared. she went to her window, i thought she was gonna talk to me but then shut it. i was so confused.
did she not like me?
but she just said she did.
i was confused so confused.

the only person i wanted just confessed and then she shut me out. i wanted to know if she really loved me. i wanted answers but no i couldn't get them. i looked at her through my window, she was screaming into her pillow is what i saw ans then she shut her phone off and lay down.

in that moment all i wanted to do was go to her house and see her. so i texted her.

y/n stink 😜💕

i think we need to talk

i could see the turned on her phone cause she always keep her brightness so damn up, but instead of replying she turned her phone off. i was more than confused now, cause is she gonna say she loves me and then she does this. i felt tears but why was i crying. i just thought that the girl i love, loves me back, i guess not.

after that i couldn't sleep all i could think about was y/n, i just laid down and waited impatiently for her to respond. but she didn't.

i went through a whole tv girl album before she responded.

y/n stink 😜💕


whyd it take u so long to reply

did u wait for me to reply 🤨

yea we need to talk abt sum important


i thinks it's better if we talk in person


do u wanna meet rn

nah im busy

with what it's 3 in the morning

just sum
i'll text when i wake up

alr ig
goodnight y/n 💓

i had no clue why y/n was acting like this. like what changed her from loving me to not. in that moment i just wanted my best friend, i wanted to be in her arms. but she didn't even want to talk to me. what happened in that time from her liking me to whatever this is. she didn't even say goodnight, y/n always says it no matter what so how come she didn't say it now, why y/n. i want her goodnights and good mornings, all i want is her, but now she doesn't even want me.

back to y/n's pov

i laid in my bed looking at the goodnight kiyoko send it pained me not to say goodnight to kiyoko, it hurt so bad and i wanted to say it, but i just don't know how she's gonna ready for when i say i love her, i want her, i need her. she's my all and everything, my happiness and thought of hurting her makes my heart hurt all i ever want is for her to be happy wether it's with me or not. i know she likes girls but she doesn't like me. im the opposite of her and i bet she wants someone who can relate to her, someone who's likes her. and i promise when i say i will and would do anything for her but she deserves better then me, she deserves the world. someone who can truly make her happy and that's just not me.


mb if it's messy and theirs spelling mistakes 😭

but enjoy !💕
and pls vote nd comment
dat would be appreciated a lot 💋
have a good day or night or morning 👍🏽

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