music class

551 25 4


9:38 am

"nah bro." y/n started off as she was talking to some boys from her class.

"please n/n." the boys wheezed while wrapping their arms around the girl.

"please." kiyoko mocked the boys.

the little group walked to music class, during their little walk kiyoko "accidentally" slipped her hand into y/n's.

the e/c color girl smiled.

the ravenette tried to smile back but instead bumped head first into a pole.

"oh my god kiyo are ya okay." y/n asked while picking the girl up.

"yeah i am good." kiyoko said while getting up.

the rest of the walk kiyoko looked down, while putting her hand on her aching head.

at music class::

"kiyo sit next to me." y/n yelled to her childhood best friend.

"shhhh." the teacher responded while adjusting their glasses.

y/n just rolled her eyes, and waited impatiently for her friend.

"calm your-." but before kiyoko could finish the teacher started the lesson.

"welcome back everyone, i hope you all had a good break." the teacher responded.

"this year we will have our band and string club come back, so if anyone wants to join feel free too." the teacher.

y/n's eyes lit up, she immediately threw up her hand.

"yes miss l/n." the teacher asked the jumping girl.

"i want to join string club." y/n told the teacher.

the whole class burst into laughter.

"why y'all laughing." y/n asked while raising her eyebrows.

"y/n you have no music talent whatsoever." takashi replied.

"literally y/n, you make music like dying horse." a brunette boy added.

"n/n please." another guy replied back.

"y'all just pussy haters." y/n said while getting up.

"ya because we gay." they all replied back.

"gay dicks." y/n mumbled.

"nah y'all are deaf heads, kiyo tell them that i make beautiful music." y/n says while staring at the sliver eyed girl.

"you make beautiful music n/n." kiyoko replied while sinking into her chair.

"thank you my little furryball." y/n replied.

"please what the hell is a furryball." takashi asked.

"not you babes." y/n responded back.

y/n went to the guitar rack, and picked up a nice,shiny guitar.

"now i am going to make you all now how good of a singer and music player i am." y/n said while sitting on a stool.

"you got this, in the power of lana del ray, sing like dove." y/n whispered to herself.

"oh yeah, yeah, you like my believer because i keep dick, ahhh , get it. your jealous my name is pelous, i swim with the payless. nah baby you ride me hard until you... spike me."y/n started off.

"get y/n." takashi yelled.

"you fuck me hard in puthay, i drink in your budassy, i smell your cockthy, and you piss in my grand daddy."
y/n l/n sang while breaking the new guitar.

the class was either laughing or cringing at what they are hearing.

and kiyoko was for sure cringing.

and y/n's favourite gay dicks just had to take a video.

and the teacher...oh the teacher.

"l/n y/n get out of my classroom immediately, you are a menace, and from now on you are banned from joining any music related clubs." the teacher yelled while getting up.

"and i will see you after school for detention." the teacher said while sighing.

the whole class stayed silent, well tried too at least.

y/n quietly dropped the guitar, bowed and than left the class giggling.

but before she left she just had to get the last word.

"and that's why your puthay ragedy." y/n replied back.

"that's why daddy cock dead." takashi yelled back.

lets just say y/n is not going to detention.....

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