love you forever.

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y/n's eyes went big as she heard the words that came out of kiyoks mouth. y/n smiled and saw the small frown kiyoko had on her face and she realized she didn't say anything to her after kiyoko just said she was in love with her. y/n's hand held kiyoko's jaw, making kiyokos eyes meet y/n's.

" i love you more kiyo." y/n said as she a huge goofy smile on her face.

" not possible n/n." kiyoko replied back as she hugged her best friend, which now is her lover?

" i think i should explain last night." y/n said as she hugged back, holding the girl as tight as she can, tears began to pour down y/n's face.

" n/n whats wrong." Kiyoko asked as she wiped the tears falling from y/n's face.

" im so sorry kiyo for last night, im sorry for being dry, im sorry if i made you feel like i didn't want you, i want you more then anything and i want to show you how much i love you. you mean the world to me, the universe, i want to love you forever, i want to be your girl and i know last night didn't show that, i was just scared that i would lose you. you mean so much to me. so me losing you, would be unbearable and i didn't want to lose you. and i thought you didn't like me back so i panicked. but shimizu kiyoko i promise you. your the only person i want, only person i feel safe with. your my happiness. and i know i shouldnt depend my happiness on someone but your not just someone. your someone who can truly make me happy. when im the with you i am at my happiest. and i just wanna be with you." y/n said as small tears came out of her eyes, her eyes were glossy and she was fiddling with her hands.

kiyoko took y/n's hand into hers, and looked in at her with a big smile and said.

" y/n l/n you don't know how much i want to be with, your the girl of my dreams, i want to do everything and anything with you. as long as im with you i am happy. i haven't ever felt this way about anyone before. you make me feel over the moon. anytime im with i know i can be myself. and that alone makes me happy. i don't need to put on an act when im around you, you get me. your my safe place.
y/n l/n i love you so much, i wanna be your girl forever."

" and you will be, but can i be your girl forever?" y/n asked as she pushed a strand of shimzu's hair back.

" yes you can." kiyo replies back.

" can i kiss you?" y/n asked hoping kiyoko would say yes.

" please do n/n." kiyoko said as she felt y/n's soft lips against her own. in that moment it was only y/n and kiyoko, they both had butterflies in their stomach, that kiss was magical. when they stopped kissing all the two could think about is how happy they were, happy together.

kiyoko came inside y/n's house and sat in her room and the two talked about how the realized that they really loved each other and how much they wants to be together. how all they could think about was each other. no matter the time of the day, the first thought and last thought was each other. they thought about all the memories together and they realized how much happier they are when they are with each other. the two realized they were meant to be. and they would love each other forever.

 and they would love each other forever

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liked by kei2neat and 208,896 others

@kiyobby4 : love you always nd foreva.💕

kei2neat: i did that
^@y/nmami: did wat exactly🤨

@dndtorru: best couple ever
liked by @kiyobby4

@takabaka : my babies 💓
liked by @kiyobby4

@i.4iwa : yall r so cute man
^@y/nmani : ty iwa


@tadashi_ : prettiest couple ever
^@y/nmami : awww aishi ty bby 💕

@tobio_11 : happy for yall!
^@y/nmamni : appreciate toe 🥰

@koshi_ii : y/n nd kiyoko = endgame.
^@y/nmami : yall alrdy knoww

@nishi_butt : are yall dating?
^@y/nmami : 🤷‍♀️

@tan.tan : kiyoko looks happy 🥹
^@kiyobby4 : always happy wit her.


everyone the story almost done !!

but ty for all the love, i appreciate sm

and please don't forget to vote nd comment ⭐️

have a good day/night/morning

love you all smmm 💋

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