childhood & gay gay gay

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15 years ago::

"y/n you can't go in there." kiyoko's mom responded tor he whining girl.

"i want to see my mommy." y/n pleaded while banging onto the sealed door.

"you can't see her." kiyoko's mom replied back while holding the crying girl hand.

the elder woman face softened as she looked at the crying little girl. Kiyoko's mom was best friends with y/n's mom. the two were also childhood friends, they were inseparable just like y/n and kiyoko. she took little y/n in her hands and cradled her to sleep, it hurt her so much to this little ray of sunshine, cry. she cardled little n/n to sleep.

it was around two in the morning when y/n's father came his face has no shine, no little ray of sunshine on him, just a dark cloudy cloud. he had tears running down his face, he picked his sleeping daughter and kissed her forehead, he held her for what felt like hours to kiyoko, but to y/n's dad it felt like time was less. y/n's head was on her dad's chest.

uneven breathing.
salty tears pouring down.
beating heart.
and in the background a noise
a noise that will scar y/n's father for life.
the noise of the heart monitor.
he fell.
clutched his daughter tight, not trying to let go.
more tears.
he looked up.
was she there.
she is.
her smile gleaming over her loved ones.
and she blew a kiss to her favourite.
a slight touch y/n felt on her cheeks.

y/n was too young. too young. her father and her cried, they held onto eachother forever. their hugs being never ending. they still felt her presence, she was here, but she wasn't.

7 years ago::

"y/n but those bugs down." one of the junior high teachers said while snatching a ladybug.

y/n pouted.

"you hurt her." y/n whined while trying to find another ladybug.

"y/n bugs don't have genders." the teacher replied back.

"so your bugaphobic." y/n asked while going to play with the ants.

"excuse me." the teacher asked while crossing her arms.

"yikes smikes you have ugly wrinkles." y/n added.

"y/n l/n into the classroom immediately." the teacher responded back while touching a wrinkle.

"betrum winkle." kiyoko added while picking up her sun hat.

"kids are ahhh." the teacher responded back.

the two girls laughed while walking inside.

the two went to the washroom, and washed their hands. y/n pulled her ipod, and played starships.

"i love this song." kiyoko replied while dancing.

while dancing kiyoko accidentally fell into a stall, while falling she fell right into the toilet.

"ahhh eww dookie water." kiyoko screamed.

y/n went to the stall and say kiyoko butt first into the toilet water.

y/n laughed and than grabbed the girls arm, while grabbing it, the two flung back and hit a wall.

"ehhh wow." y/n replied while staring at the empty stall.

the two girls stared at eachother at the awkward position.

"haha." y/n awkwardly laughed while her ipod still played starships.

the two stared for what felt like forever, until they felt a pair of eyes staring at them, than they also heard a pair of shoes squeaking. the two turned around and saw a blushing girl.

"gay gay gay." the flushed girl repeated continuously.

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