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fast forward 4 months

y/n and kiyoko have now been dating for four months and those four months have been the most magical days they have ever had. the two were beyond happy that they started dating and would make sure that everyone knew they were dating. the would kiss each other every time they could. in the school, the park, at their houses, at the supermarket, at the arcade. everywhere and anywhere these two would be seen together kissing. everything about their relationship was perfect. they both respected each other and always had a good time when their together and the two rarely ever fought and if they did fight it would be about stupid things. the two were happy. real happy.

but then again not everything can stay perfect. since it was their last year in high school, that means in the following months the two would be off to university. shimizu already knew what she wanted to study in university but y/n on the other hand, had actually no clue what she study in uni. she didn't really know what subject interested her the most. she wanted to study music but she knew deep down that she wasn't even good so what's the point. y/n was stuck on one hand she wanted to go to the same uni as kiyoko but than on the other hand she wanted to take a gap year so she could travel and then the year after that she could study what she wanted. y/n had dreamed about travelling all around the world with her family. but now since her mom is no longer here, and her dad is always busy. she now wanted to go with kiyoko but she didn't want kiyoko to give up on her own dreams. y/n knew that if she travelled their would be a chance that they would break up, and of course y/n didn't want to lose shimizu. so for
the last days all y/n could think about is how she can make long distance work. even though she knew it would be expensive to go to a country for a month and then come back to tokyo, but y/n would somehow make it work. her dad already said he would help out with money and y/n wouldn't even need to find a hotel since the she made a lot of friends with the exchange students and could stay with them.

so now all y/n had to was break the news to kiyoko, and y/n had thought about how she would tell shimizu and y/n thought it would be good to tell her on grad day.

time skip to grad -

the two were extremely excited to graduate, y/n was as well very nervous, on how kiyoko would react to y/n's gap year. but y/n tried her best to not looks as nervous and try to be happy. the two got ready together and went to their school. as they all sat down, the valedictorian began to say her speech and one part really stuck to y/n.

" and to all the relationships i truly hope you guys last, but if you guys don't hopefully you guys will find each other again because if you guys truly meant to be, you will always find each other. nothing can keep you guys apart. that's your person." and those words kept replaying in y/n's head. if her and kiyo are really meant to be, a little gap year won't affect them that much and y/n really hoped that the gape year won't affect them.

and so after the ceremony and when everyone threw their hats, and all the third years were together,y/n finally told kiyoko her plan.

" kiyo." said y/n looking at the girl who was glowing in sunlight.

" yea n/n." kiyoko replied looking at y/n.

" i need to tell you something put you need to promise you can't be mad and i know what im about to say is gonna affect our relationship and i really don't want it to affect us but i think i really need this and im so sorry-." y/n said but was cut off by kiyoko.

"y/n what is it and i promise i wont get mad." kiyoko said holding the girls hands.

" i want to take a gap year." y/n said looking at the ground. everyone was silent. y/n was scared for her dear life to what everyone was going to say. but then kiyoko hugged y/n and said.

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