advice giver 🦶🏽

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y/n's head was all over the place, she couldn't think straight. all she wanted to do was talk to kiyoko and now she messed that up. she has no clue what to do. her brain was a scatter. she didn't want to talk to anyone but she needed advice real bad. so who's gives the most straightforward answers, tsukishima.
so y/n texted her favourite first year.

advice giver 🦶🏽

man i messed up
read 4:08 am

what happened
4:19 am

bro whyd u leave me on read for soo long

i was listening to pyramids
u think ima pause frank for u

"maybe he was the wrong person to text."  y/n thought.

anyways why u wake kid

bro im litr older then u

ok nd
i act more mature then u

be so fr
boy u got ur body stuck ina swing last week

shut up n/n
what u need

im just going crazy


i accidentally confessed to kiyo

how do u do that

well i was tellin my gang how much i love her
and i didn't know my window was open
and it was and she heard me 🔫
i wanna die so bad 😝

bad idea
but u can fix this
just confess

wow so eazy
she prolly don't even like me

bro r im being fr
she madly in love with ur dumb

boy how u know that

the way she looks at u
talks about you
she deeply in love wit u

ion think so anymore
i was actin dry to her...

why would u do that

i got scared

omd idiot
ask her to talk irl

we r tmrw

tell her u like her
and if she rejects u
her loss man
u deserve better

but i want kiyo
no one else
and i don't deserve her
she's perfect nd
im me🧍‍♀️

ur perfect too stupid
bro  why u always gotta talk
bad abt urself
i hate that u do that

kiyo hates that too

everyone does
u needa love urself man

mhm im trying

u better be
but tell kiyoko as early as
and then u can thank me

thank u for wha 🤨

for getting u nd kiyo to date 😁

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