Chapter 2

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Mitchell sat in some small room in the airport with three security guards and a police officer pacing around him until one of them spoke, "Do you know how much trouble you caused? This is an airport, not school, flights have been delayed, people have totally abandoned the airport, and thanks to you, many people are going to miss their connecting flights."

"I didn't know what to do. I flew here from Australia to live with my aunt and uncle."

"You could have called them."

"I don't have a phone."

"You could have done anything but pull the fire alarm!" The security guard was so mad his face was blood red and he looked like he was about to pass out.

"I get in trouble all the time so pulling a fire alarm in an airport for no reason isn't really that bad."

"That bad! That bad!" The security guard was about to attack Mitchell but the other ones stopped him.

"Please don't leave me in here alone with him."

"We wont" one of the other guards said "but we do need to call your aunt and uncle. Do you know there number?"

"Yeah I have it on a piece of paper let me get it." Mitchell reached into his backpack and searched all around for it. When he couldn't find it, he dumped it out.

"Oh come on, the floor!" The angry guard whimpered

"Here it is." Mitchell handed to the police officer the piece of paper with their phone number. The guard gave Mitchell a quick nod then went over to the phone and typed in the numbers. Mitchell didn't pay attention because he knew there was no point, he couldn't hear what his aunt was saying on the other line. Mitchell started to play with his fingers thinking about what his aunt and uncle would be like.

"Mitchell." The police officer on the phone said to him.

"What?" Mitchell answered the police officer.

"Your aunt and uncle are on there way up here. We need to talk to them about what you did?" Mitchell leaned his head back on the chair when there was a knock on the door. One of the guards answered it. Mitchell looked up and saw another police officer. Mitchell looked at his name tag. "Hello, Officer George."

"Shut up and don't talk to me!" George yelled very loud.

"You hurt my ears." Mitchell said quietly.

"What did you just say?" George said in a deep voice.

"Nothing sir." Mitchell said frightened.

"Stand up kid!"

"My name is Mitchell not kid"

"Do I look like I care?"

Mitchell now felt like the kid he got in a fight with on the plane. Except this was worse.

"Stand up a said!" George was yelling at the top of his lungs. Mitchell got up right away. George then put handcuffs around his wrists.

"These hurt"

"I don't care and I'm glad they hurt it's more of a punishment for you. Now sit!" Mitchell sat down on the chair with his hands handcuffed behind his back. George then walked over to the other police officer and started talking with him. They were whispering so quietly Mitchell swore they weren't even saying anything at all. George then looked up and asked Mitchell, "How old are you?"

Mitchell, surprised that Officer George was so quiet now said, "Seventeen."

George scowled at him then started talking with the other officer again. Mitchell looked up totally forgetting the other security guards surrounding him.

"These guys are are so over-dramatic" Mitchell said under his breath.

George slowly turned around stared Mitchell right in the eyes. Mitchell eyes felt like they were on fire, that George was burning his way right into Mitchell's soul. Without expecting it George slapped Mitchell on the face. Mitchell fell out of his chair out of breath he reached to touch his face he realizing he was still in hand-cuffs when George slapped him again. Mitchell passed out. His face was bleeding all over the floor.

"Oh no he's getting blood all over the floor!" The security guard that was freaking out earlier, screamed.

George pointed do the door, "Get out Frank!" Frank slowly walked to the door, with his head down, opened the door, then walked out. The nice police officer asked George, "What are we going to do when his aunt and uncle walk in and the kids lying of the floor possibly dead covered in blood and if he is alive, broken ribs?"

"He deserves it he caused so much trouble in the airport" George told the nice officer named Mark.

Mitchell slowly started to wake up he saw his aunt, uncle and three cousins standing over him. Mitchell's face felt like it had fallen off he reached and touched it pain shot up through his face he realized his whole head was bandaged up and their was a blood stain on his shirt.

"Mitchell!" Mitchell looked up to see his aunt.

"Hi Aunt..."

"Lynne... and this is Uncle Jay and this is Austin, Erin and Scott, Austin's ten, Erin's sixteen and Scott's seventeen." Austin was a short kid with blond hair. He was wearing a red soccer jersey.

"Do you play soccer?" Mitchell asked. It hurt for Mitchell to talk to he mostly mumbled it so it was hard for them to understand him.

"No" Austin said.

"Do you like soccer?"

"No" Austin replied.

"Good to know" Mitchell said confusingly. Mitchell looked at Erin. Erin had long, blond, flowing hair. She had a basketball shirt on and was wearing jeans. "Do you play basketball?" Mitchell asked Erin.

"Yeah I do."

"Cool. I love basketball. One of my friend that moved to Australia when he was twelve taught me how to play." Mitchell said cheerfully.

"Cool." Erin said casually. Mitchell then looked at Scott. Scott was a lot taller then Austin and Erin. He had short dark brown hair and a lot of freckles. Scott didn't look very friendly like he didn't want to be here at all which kind of sucked for Mitchell because Scott was his age so he figured he would hang out with him the most.

"So what happened" Mitchel confusingly said.

"We talked to the police. Your not going to have to go to court and your not in any trouble."


"It's illegal for a police officer to slap someone. We kind of worked everything out. Your not in trouble and the guy who slapped you's not in trouble.

"Is that even legal to do something like that?" Austin asked.

"Not sure. So, what was said and done, never leaves this room."

"Now," A police officer started, "get out."

"Yes sir." Mitchell said.

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