Chapter 6

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Erin felt dizzy she didn't know what was going on. She thought it was a dream. She touched her throat and tried to scream from pain but nothing came out. Dark blue and black bruises covered her neck from being strangled so hard. Erin had know idea what to do or what was going on. She tried to walk only to realize she couldn't move her feet. She tried to open her eyes but she was to tired and to hurt. She tried moving around but couldn't, she tried to talk but couldn't. After try after try she eventually tried to open her eyes again. She got then open a little then tried some more. She got them open. Erin was wondering why that was so hard. She looked around she was in a big, bright room full of technology. She was harnessed down to some examining table with lots of lights and buttons.

"Oh good, your awake," A voice said that seemed to be coming from nowhere, said.

A man emerged from behind Erin. He was wearing a white lab coat and glasses, classic scientist. The man next to him didn't look anything like the other one. For starters he had dark, black hair while the other one had blond, and he wasn't wearing a lab coat instead he had a black tee, a black leather jacket, and black jeans. The guy was also covered in dirt while the other one in the lab coat was as clean as could be.

"Who are you?" Erin managed a mutter.

"I'm Doctor Green, but you can call me Doctor G," The one in the lab coat said.

"And I'm Hank, you will call me Hank!" the other one stated.

"What's going on?" Erin asked.

"Oh yes, we must get back to what we were doing," Dr. G said. He snapped his fingers and more men and women emerged holding lots of wires a probes. Erin looked startled. She tried to speak but the scientist pressed a button and she couldn't speak any more. Her mouth was also covered with wires in seconds. More were attached to the rest of her body. Erin had know idea what they were doing but she soon fell asleep. Their was suddenly a bunch of beeps and lights flashing as the scientists went on their computers looking at the data. Everything seemed normal, a normal girl, as normal as a cheerio in a bowl.

Dr. Green stood up and shouted, "What is going on here? Everything is saying she is normal!"

Hank stood up next to Dr. Green and started, "Lets just wake the kid up and put her through a series of active tests to see what she can do."

"I think it's a great idea!" A voice came in from nowhere.

Dr. Green immediately recognized it as the bosses voice.

"Unhook the girl from the table. Lets see what happens. Fight or flight. Everyone place your bets."

"Dr. Green nodded his head and followed the bosses orders.

When Erin was unhooked, awake, and off the examining table, the scientist had pencils and clipboards with paper on them at the ready. Erin looked around. "What's going on?" She demanded.

"Look kid," Hank began, "We no you can do things that most people can't. I'm no scientist but your an interesting topic and we want to know how you became that way. Did someone inject something into you when you were a baby? Did you do something to yourself?"

Erin looked around like this was an everyday thing.

"Let me just tell you one thing, I'm trained to fight. What about you?" Erin ran up to Hank and threw a punch, but he dodged in right in time. Erin knew what she was capable of and she knew how to use it correctly which is exactly what she did. Erin kept on fighting with Hank waiting for the right moment. She did a spinning hook kick only to barely brush the top of his head. Erin did a quick front snap kick and it hit Hank right in the jaw. This was the moment she needed. She ran back a few steps when she noticed some other scientists, also probably trained to fight, running at Erin in all directions. This was the moment she was waiting for. When they all got close Erin jumped up. She hit the celing and stuck to it. When she did all the scientists including Hank all ran into each other. Erin tried hard not to laugh she couldn't risk them finding her. Erin crawled on the ceiling watching the scene below her. Multiple cries and shoving was happening everywhere. Many were looking on the ceiling because they had seen Erin jump but no one could see her. Even Erin couldn't see herself because she was invisible.

Erin crawled the 30 foot high ceiling to an isolated corner of the lab and dropped down. She hit the floor without a sound. Erin looked around to see if she could find an exit which she spotted and the other end of the lab but had to get around all the people first. She jumped up back onto the ceiling and crawled over all the people till she got to the end of the room then jumped down. Without even thinking Erin pushed open the door and ran out. Sirens went off back in the lab area. Everyone filed out the open door and ran out in a panic they couldn't see Erin anywhere.

"She escaped! How could you have let this happen?" the bosses voice boomed over the loud speaker.

"She has abilities which makes it a lot easier to escape and I think we just found out what they are," Dr. Green uttered back to the boss.

Erin jumped in a car in the parking lot and hot wired it to start. Erin wasn't 16 yet but she knew how to drive. She spun out of the parking lot and started driving. 10 miles away Erin stopped to plug in the navigation to her house. When it was plugged in Erin drove off back to her house.

Erin ditched the car a block away from the house and got out. She turned invisible and started to walk back home.

Erin walked up the steps and took a big breath before she turned the doorknob and walked inside. "Hello?" Erin began "Anybody home?" she suddenly heard multiple pairs of feet rushing down the stairs.

"Where did you go?" Lynne demanded.

"Oh, nowhere I just got kidnapped and strangled. Some guys kidnapped me and put me in a lab. They wanted to know about all my abilities and what I could do. Luckily I escaped, it's a good thing I can stick to ceilings and turn invisible."

A look of astonishment came over everyone's faces.

"You were gone for four days," Scott told her.

"What!" Erin said in disbelief. "I was passed out for four days! They strangled me so hard that I passed out for four days?"

"Wouldn't their be bruises on your neck if it made you pass out for that long?" Mitchell asked.

"Well on most people their would. And I had them, but I have super healing. We all have it," Erin responded.

"Okay so now I know I have super fast healing so that must be why I got rid of my concussion in only a week. What else can I do?" Mitchell demanded to know.

Jay began, "Mitchell we don't know what you can do. You have figure it out on your own. By now you actually should have noticed weird things happening. Have you noticed being able to do anything a little weird?"

"I have been kind of strong."

"Mitchell," Erin began, "A few weeks ago when we were getting all the supplies we needed for school, you said it was too heavy and then you ran into the wall from loss of balance."

"So whats the big deal their was a lot of stuff?"

"It was three books." Erin said getting annoyed.

"A guess I'll just have to wait to find out what I can do." Mitchell said disappointed.

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