Chapter 4

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Mitchell with a stack of school supplies walked into the house. He was only allowed out of the house for anything school related. "My arms hurt!" Mitchell groaned.

"Your just weak." Erin said.

"Am not!" Mitchell denied

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Okay, stop fighting!" Lynne scolded.

Mitchell dropped his stack of books on the kitchen counter. As he looked up he thought he saw a figure moving in the window. Mitchell, always up for a mystery walked up to the window and peered out. Not seeing anything, he went back to the table.

"So whats the high-school like? Mitchell asked.

"It's a school." Scott said.

"Wow, Scott thanks for the very vivid description." Mitchell said sarcastically.

Scott looked over his shoulder, "Anytime dude." Mitchell looked up at the clock hanging above the wall

"It's 8:50 already!"

"No, the clocks broken."

"Well good job on fixing it."

"Has anyone ever told you you're very sarcastic?" Scott said.

"I get it a lot."

"See right there, sarcastic!"

"What ever." Mitchell walked away. Mitchell knew exactly what he was going to do after school next week but he had to be sneaky or he would be caught. He didn't want to get in any more trouble then he was already in. The only thing he would have to do for the next week would be read and watch TV which he could do with the new flat screen TV he had on his wall. Right now he decided to finish the book he started.

After reading for a few hours there was a sudden knock on the door. "Mitchell," it was Lynne "it's 11" you should get to sleep so your not sick for school next week."

"But I'm not tired" Mitchell replied.

"Oh that's right, the time is different between here and Australia. You're going to have to get use to the time difference."


That night Mitchell didn't get much sleep between the time difference and the pain in his face. He eventually went downstairs to get a drink of water. He looked at the clock and for a second he was surprised at the time then he realized it was the broken one. Mitchell walked over to the clock and took it off the wall to see if he could fix it, when out of the corner of his eye he saw the same shadow he saw earlier. Mitchell quickly put the clock on the wall and ran over to the window, still nothing. Mitchell knew he was going to figure out who or what the shadow was. Suddenly a light flickered on in the house next door. Mitchell ducked down and watched as the person in the house slowly walked across the room. Then everything went black.

Mitchell woke in the morning in what looked like the hospital. "What am I doing here?" Mitchell said groggily.

"You passed out late last night." said what looked like a doctor, "It's because you have a concussion."

"I have a what?"

"A concussion. I heard you got pretty beat up."

"What?" Mitchell asked confused.

"Yeah, you've also suffered a little memory loss when you passed out because of the pain. You hit your head pretty hard which caused the memory loss and the concussion."

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