Chapter 7

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Mitchell woke up feeling very ill and groggy. It was Wednesday morning so he had to go to school but was to tired to care. He didn't even notice Lynne and Jay walk in.

"Hey Mitchell how do you feel?" Lynne said sweetly.

"Where is everyone? Mitchell moaned.

"They're at school we're keeping you home till you feel better because not everyone has, unnatural abilities." Lynne whispered.

"What?" Mitchell sputtered.

Jay began to speak, "Everyone in this family has got their full abilities in when they have waken up feeling just like you. Sense you've been here we've been worried that you already had a day like this but you didn't know you had the abilities yet. We were so much more relaxed now that you are having it here and not back in Australia. You should feel fine in about an hour but you won't be able to go to school for a few days till your abilities come in."

"Why do you call them abilities? Just call them superpowers!" Mitchell asked.

"We don't like to call them superpowers because word could get out and what happened to Erin could happen to all of us. We really just don't call them superpowers it's just a thing that we just don't call them that. It's complicated." Jay replied.

Mitchell just nodded and went back to sleep.

He woke up and looked at the clock it was 3:30. Mitchell knew everyone would be back in a few minuets. He got up and got dressed feeling much better then the crap he was feeling earlier. Mitchell looked out the window. He was really wishing that he had never pulled the fire alarm at the airport. He sat on the bed trying to get the memory out of his mind. He was thinking about how his family might treat him differently if what happened had never had happened. Mitchell started to feel dizzy like he might pass out. He held his head between his hands letting out a small shriek then everything went black.

A few seconds later Mitchell could see everything but he wasn't in his bedroom he was in the airport. Mitchell thought he must be dreaming he walked around and tried to wake himself up. He was dressed in the exact same clothes and had the exact same luggage from when he got off the plane when he landed in America. Mitchell could here Lynne's voice ringing in his ear. His abilities were coming in. Can I time travel? Mitchell thought. That wasn't possible. What was going on? He kept thinking. Mitchell dug around in his backpack and pulled out some loose change and went to a payphone. He dialed in Lynne's cell phone number.


Mitchell heard Lynne's voice on the other end.

"Hi. This is Mitchell," Mitchell said speaking into the phone not sure what to say.

"Mitchell! It's your Aunt Lynne, so glad you called. How along ago did your plane land?"

"About 5 minuets ago. Why?"

"We're running a little late. Why don't you stop and get something to eat while your waiting."

"I only have a few bucks on me. It's not going to get me anything." Mitchell said realizing he was starving.

"I'm sure you'll find something. Just meet us out side of your terminal," Lynne started to hang up the phone.

"Wait, wait, do you know what terminal I'm at?"

"I have all your flight info with me so don't worry."

"Okay I'll see you soon," Mitchell hung up the phone. Mitchell thought to himself for about half an hour waiting for his family.

They finally arrived. Mitchell hopped in the car and was introduced to Austin, Scott, and Erin. When they got back to their home Mitchell knew he needed to get back to present day. But how? Mitchell was shown the house and his room, again. After they were done talking with him and showing him around Mitchell went up to his room. He tried to think of how he got here in the first place. He remembered thinking about what happened in the airport then he opened his eyes and he was in the past. Mitchell closed his eyes and thought about the present. He thought of his room and what had happened up until he got to the future. Mitchell opened his eyes, he was still stuck in the past. A wave of panic came over him. Mitchell tried really hard. He closed his eyes and thought of the present.

He opened his eyes and there he was in his bedroom, again he was also dizzy and this time cold too. Mitchell let out a sigh of relief, happy that he changed what had happened before. Just then Austin walked into his room.

"Mitchell, we have been looking for you where did you go?" Austin had a worried look on his face.

Mitchell asked, "Did your parents by any chance tell you about any abilities I have."


"That's what I thought. If I just found out about one, then they probably don't know."

"Wait, you found out what one of your abilities is."

Mitchell was about to tell him about the time travel, then stopped. "No, I didn't"

"Okay." Austin said not to convinced.

Mitchell sat down on his bed and closed his eyes.

Mitchell thought to himself, "Is this what life's going to be like from now on? Being able to change anything while living in fear of what might happen to this family. Is it really worth it?"

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