Chapter 10

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The kids sat in Austin's room. "I'm so scared to leave my room. When I get out I'm in so much trouble." Austin quivered.

"Yeah, if you tell your principal she looks like a pumpkin in a wig, your probably going to get into a lot of trouble. I'm not saying your wrong, but your still going to get in a lot of trouble," Scott agreed. No one spoke. Everyone could here the seconds tick by on the clock on the wall.

Austin still wasn't going to tell anybody what had really happened.

Eventually their was a knock on the door. "May we come in?" it was Lynne.

"Quick hide me!" Austin said ducking behind Erin.

Lynne and Jay walked into the room. "Where's Austin?" she asked.

"Behind me," Erin stood up. Austin smiled a fake smile and waved.

"May we talk to Austin alone?" Lynne said looking at the kids.

"Nope," Austin replied for them. "I don't want to be left alone," He whispered to Mitchell.

Mitchell patted him on the back. "Have fun." He got up and left.

Austin was alone in his room with his parents. He hid under the sheets on his bed so he wouldn't have to face them.

"Austin you don't have to speak, but just listen to us," Lynne said patting his back.

Jay began, "Were very disappointing in you for pulling a prank on your class but how you acted in the principals office was very unacceptable."

"Well, it's true. And you can't disagree with me on that!"

"He's got a point," Jay whispered to Lynne. She hit him on the shoulder


"Sorry. . . Sweetie?"

Lynne ignored Jay. "Your grounded for a month. No TV, no phone and no video games."

"What! Then what am I suppose to do?" Austin screamed jumping up from under the covers.

"Read a book," Lynne said.

"This isn't fair," Austin whined. "I hate books!

Lynne looked him in the eyes, "After what you did, your lucky you didn't get expelled from school."

"What do I do for the week I'm suspended from school?"

"Your teachers gave me all of the work you would be doing over the week. You have to have it all complete by next Monday when you go back to school." Jay said.

"I'd rather fail."

"Ms. Devi said if you don't finish all of the work with at least a B average you're expelled."

"What? I can't even get B's when I'm in school!" he screamed.

Mitchell, Scott and Erin had their ears against Austin's door. They strained to here what was going on. "Am I the only one who hasn't got sent to the principals office today?" Erin said moving her ear off the door to face Mitchell.

"Yes," Mitchell said after a few moments. The door started to open and the kids jumped back. It was Lynne.

"You're grounded." She said the second she saw them. "Can't I have a few minutes of privacy?"


"Scott!" Mitchell nudged him. "I don't want to be grounded more."

Erin walked around them and into Austin's room. His face was red and he had a giant stack of papers on his lap.

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