CHAPTER 1 - Dreams can be a reality too

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Eren's POV
Everybody dreams something and then forgets it.

Well I'm dreaming the same dreams over and over again. Sometimes i have vision right in the middle of the day, they're similar to flashbacks.

I realized that those dreams I'm having, are the dreams from my past life. I'm seeing the same people i know now, they act the same, it's just that what is happening around us is different.

In my past life, there were titans who were on some island and they were eating humans. Me and my friends were fighting against them. I remembered how i was the Humanity's last hope, i could shift into titan.

But i also remembered someone who is very important to me. Levi Ackerman. My dear Heichou.

I still haven't met him in this life but I'm hoping i will soon. I miss him. I wanna see if he's alive.
If he's having a better life than before.

I tried to tell my friends about it before but they all look at me like I was crazy or I made up shit, so I decided to keep silent about it.

Nothing changed from before, Mikasa and I are still family, she's like my adoptive sister. I have an older brother Zeke just like before. We're really good brothers, he's also the only one in the family, beside me, who remembers the past.

(A/N: i wanted to add Zeke since i love him so much, he's such a cool character, i don't see him at all so i put him in as his brother since he is.)

Only this time my parents are still alive and I'm really happy about it.

Armin, my best friend who is a big nerd that loves books and guess what he also loves - OCEAN, like THE OCEAN! I still couldn't believe it when i first heard it.

I was on my way to school which was called Maria High. Heh funny isn't. Everything almost reminded me of my old life, only it was looking much better and with so much...happiness.

Anyway I'm a senior in high school. First class is....Biology..great. I don't like that class much but eh..


I found my way too class only to find Armin and Mikasa talking in their seats, they notice me come in and greeted me happily.

"Eren you're going to be late one day only because you overslept...again!" Mikasa said with anger in her voice.

Armin only added to that "But he's still here on time, relax Mikasa." I silently thanked Armin with a smile.

Soon class started just as he said that.

I haven't really paid attention to it, I was too tired thinking back to a dream i once again had.

Recently I'm having dreams where me and Levi are in his room talking till late at night, cuddled up in his bed. We looked so peaceful.


Classes went by and my last one came which is also my favourite one.
I really love Chemistry. It's interesting but the best thing about this class is the teacher. Ms. Hange is really cool and funny. I just love listening to her.

Hange is really the same as before. I wish i could tell her how i remember everything since i know how much she would like to look into my case of remembering all this. Once she helped a kid with "Adolescence Syndrome", i was amazed at how great she was.

(A/N: If you watched Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai anime then you know this syndrome hehe.)

"You must write a report on this chemical reaction and give it to me by this Friday." I groaned at this assignment. I didn't know anything about this.

I guess I'll go to the library later to find some books about it.


I went to the library, Armin and Mikasa asked me if i wanted their help but i only said to them that it would be no problem doing this alone.

So they went home ahead.

I put my bag on some of the chairs and went to some bookshelfs and started looking.

I looked at every row but i couldn't find it.

"Ahh." I groaned in frustration.

"Need help?" Somebody asked me. They're voice was deep and sounded kinda cold, it's like i knew it from somewhere. I turned my attention to the person on my left and found them a little shorter than me.

But then i recognised this person immediately.


"What brat? How do you know my name?" He also looked a lot suprised. Does he know who i am?

I quickly saved myself "Your name tag." I pointed at his shirt which had pinned a tag with his name on it.

He looked down on it.

"Oh y-yeah. Anyway do you need help?"

I stood there watching him, more like staring at him. He looks so handsome, black hair with his undercut, grey eyes, heheh so short but cute at the same time.

He waved his hands in front my eyes to get my attention.

"R-right sorry he- Levi." Shit i almost said Heichou.

"I can't seem to find any book about XX chemical reaction."

He thought for a moment before leading me to a section where is chemistry and alchemy.

I watched how his hands began gliding across the books looking for a certain name.

His hands are so big, they must be so warm if i touch them, i want to hold them so badly.

I miss his touch, i remember the dream i had last night, how we were cuddling, his hand was playing with my hair.

I started to tear up a little. Shit not now. Just when i finally met him in this life, first thing i do is cry.

Keep it in, don't cry Eren, look he's okay.

"No thanks to you."

My conscious told me. Stupid conscious.
It's my fault that everyone died. I'm so pathetic.

"I-im s-sorry i have to g-go." I said softly, turned my head quickly so he can't see that I'm crying. He yelled for me to get back but i couldn't hear him anymore.

I left in a hurry completely forgetting my bag at the library. I was running to the nearest bathroom stall when i ran into someone. I looked up with tears still in my eyes.

It's Hange.

"E-eren are you alright? " she said suprised.


Heyy guys. I hope you like it. I'm really happy with how first chapter turned out.
Bug out😜💖

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