CHAPTER 7 - Four-Eyes

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Levi's POV
I woke up to a feeling of someone being close to me. I look down and realize i was holding Eren.

Then i remembered the events of last night. I suspected correct but I didn't believe he actually remembered.

I kiss him on the forehead.

"Eren wake up, we gotta go." As much as i hate to wake him up, i had to.

He groaned a little and nuzzled his head more into my neck.

"Wake up love." He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Morning." He greeted.

"Mornin'." I replied. I smile as he cutely massaged his eyes to wake up.

We were still cuddling in bed for about 15 minutes before we got up.

I look at the clock and it read '7.00.', school starts at 9.

I guess we have time to eat.
I went to make rice omelet while Eren dragged himself out of bed and suprised me from behind with a hug.

"Go back to bed." He murmured in my neck as he slouched down to me since i was a lot shorter than him.

"We have school. I mean you have and i have a job." I said as i was finishing up.

"But i want to stay at home with you." He groaned.

"Eren i know we just found that we both remember our past life but we have to go to school. Besides Four-Eyes will kill me if i don't tell her about you." I rolled my eyes at the thought of it.

"Four-Eyes? " he asked confused as he let go of me and went to the table and waited for food.

"Hange, she and Erwin also remember the past life." I said.

"They also remember?" He asked suprised.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'.

"Zeke also remembers, that's why he let me stay here, so we could bond." He said. I looked at him suprised as i served rice omelet in front of him.

"Yeah. He's really a good brother here you know." He meant 'here' as in this world.

"Glad to hear that." I smiled as we started eating.

"So do we just talk to Hange about us?" He asked but then stop. "Or we can suprise her?" He contiued with sparkles in his eyes.

"That would be funny." I smirked.

We planned how to suprise her while getting ready to go out.


I was at the library sorting out books, being completely in a daze, thinking of Eren and how we're finally again together.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and see Hange.

"What do you want?"

"No hi bestie or how are you?" She pouted.

"Hi, how are you?" I said with annoyance in my voice.

"Good anyway came too see how is going with you and our little titan boy?" She asked happily.

"Well he still has school so he hasn't come here yet." I metioned as i put the last book on the shelf.

I went to the other row to check for some books that i will read later out of boredom.

"Well i meant yesterday?"

"Oh good. He stayed at my place since it was raining." I said casually.

"WHAT?!" She screamed but immediately shut her up as everyone shushed her too.

"What?" She whispered this time.

I let out a sigh as i picked up one book that picked my interest.

"I couldn't let him go home in the rain now could i?" I ask.

"Well no but good job Levi, you two are getting closer."

"Hangeeee!" Just then Eren came in the library and greeted Hange happily.

"Oh hi Eren." I said in my usual cold voice.

"Hi Heichou!" He greeted, that brat playing it off.

"Hi Eren." Hange looked confused but couldn't say anything as he asked her something else then.

"Hange i was wondering if you could help me with something." She nodded at him.

We all got to the area where we can sit back and enjoy. Eren sit next to me and Hange opposite of us.

"I was wondering if you could do some tests on me?" He asked innocently and she chocked on air.

"W-why are you asking that?"

I only waited till he tells her the rest.

"Well i feel weird. When i get hurt I'm afraid i'll turn into titan and eat someone."

"Don't worry Eren you wo- wait what?" She then realized what he had just said. I started laughing due to her shock.

"Babe don't pull her into a shock." I said to him.

"Sorry Heichou." He laughed as he kissed me on the cheek.

"E-eren you r-remember?" She asked with tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Yep. Me and Levi find out yesterday about each other and we're finally together." He said as he showed our now intertwined hands.

She got up from her seat and throw herself on him, giving him a big hug.

"I missed you my little titan boy." She said happily.

"I missed you too Hange." I watched them having a moment, reconnecting.

"So i heard Erwin remembers too?" He asked.

"Yes. I'll call him and tell him to meet with us today or tomorrow. " she said as she went on her phone.

Eren snuggled in my chest and looked at the book i picked up for myself to read.

"What are you reading?"

"Actaully this time it's not romance I'm searching about our visions." I said.

"Oh cool." He smiled as he was looking at me. I felt that he was staring at me for so long so i turned my head to look at him.


"Nothing, just enjoy looking at you!" He said happily.

I blushed a deep red, it was too much, his smile and what he said.

"Shut up brat." I said and kissed him.

We heard clicking noises, we broke apart and look to the side and saw Hange with a blood running down her noise with camera in front of her.

"What the hell Four-Eyes!" I yelled angry.

Everyone shushed me. I made a 'tsc' sound.

We contiued talking until Eren had to go home.
We said our goodbyes, i give him a quick kiss on the lips before he went home. I don't care if i look soft or that we are sharing kisses non stop, we have finally found each other so of course i would be so happy and all soft. This kid is going to ruin me.


Hey guys. Yayy they told Hange! Also they are sooo cute, love em.

I think ill write 2 more chp + epilogue and that's it.

Bug out😜💖

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