CHAPTER 4 - Books

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Levi's POV
I didn't expect for Eren to accept to assist me here.

"He-Levi i have no problem working here but can i do that tomorrow, i didn't expect to do it right now, my classes just ended and um.. someone will come and pick me up."

Oh right, of course he had classes.
Wait someone will pick him up!!! I wonder who is it. Maybe his mom, i never saw his mom or is it his dad, that piece of shit, what he did before was unspeakable.

"Oh well let me walk you to the front of school." I started walking up ahead of him.

I will keep him company till that person arrives.

I can ask him something to get to know him more.

"So er..Eren. Tell me what books do you like?" Really, the most stupid question i could ask.

"Well i like action and sometimes even fantasy." Suddenly i saw him walking right beside me. Damn he's so tall.

"That's cool."

"What about you Levi?" He smiled at me. Don't smile at me like that.

"Mostly poems or romance." Eren started laughing by my response.

"What's so funny?" I asked confused almost annoyed.

"I never took you for that type to like romance."

"Why is that?"

"Well usua- i mean you seem kinda cold all the time so i just assumed you would think that kind of book are too lovey-dovey." I guess he's right to think about that since i don't come off as a romantic guy.

I sighed.

"What's your favorite book?" He asks me.

"Hmm.. " i thought for a moment. Should i say a LGBTQ book or a normal romance book? I want to give him a sign that I'm okay with being gay since I'm very much gay for him but what if he isn't in this life.

"Well i like 'Red, White and Royal Blue' ." Screw it. Lets go with the gay book.

"Oh really. I love that book too. I usually don't read romance but my sister recommended it to me."

I put one brow up. "You have a sister?" Does he mean maybe Mikasa?

"Ah well she's not actually my sister but she sure is acting like one. My family and i consider her just like she is my sister." He explained.

Just as he explained about her we came in front of the school. We both stopped walking and turned to each other.

"Eren." I said his name softly. I wanna tell him that i know him. I wanna hold him so badly in my arms.

"Yes?" He smiles.

"Well do you maybe wan-."

I was interrupted by someone yelling his name, we turn our attention to a group of girls who were crowding one guy, the guy who finally got out of the crowd and yelled Eren again.

Wait he looks kinda familiar.

"Did you get swarmed by girls again?" Eren asked as he looked at him and laugh.

"Like girls don't chase after you too. You're a catch Eren." He smirked at him. "I already told you it's not like that."

Where have i seen this guy? Blonde hair, round weird looking glasses. He's tall just like Eren, maybe a little bit taller.

Do i know him from these dreams from previous life? If yes then who it is why can't i pin point it.

"Who is this?" The guy asked as he looked at me.

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