CHAPTER 3 - Assistant

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Eren's POV
After i got home, i run to my room and slam the door.

I laid on my bed and all i did was cry.

Then i heard a knock on my door "Eren, can i come in?" It's Zeke.

I said a small yes and he came in. He sat on my bed and gently rubbed my back in comforting way.

"Eren, what's wrong, do i need to kill someone?" I laugh a little at his question.

I look up from the pillow in his eyes "N-no, it's just.. remember how i told you that me and Levi were dating in previous life."

"Yeah. That day we talked how we remember everything. What about Levi now?"

"I met him today, but I'm afraid he doesn't remember me." I said sadly.

Zeke then pulled me in a hug.

"Where did you meet?" He ask suprisingly calmly.

"At my school, he works at the library."

"I thought he would work as a cleaner." We both laughed at that.

"Do you want me to come to school or something. I don't wanna see you sad."

"I'll be fine, beside there's nothing you can do. You also have school."

Since he's older than me, he's going to college. But he always looks out for me. I'm glad he's my brother.

"Did Mikasa came here?" I ask because i know how Mikasa also knows to get worried and overprotective.

"Yeah she did, she wanted to work on homework with you, i only said that you still didn't come home at that time."

"Thanks, I'll call her then."

Zeke got up from the bed and started leaving the room before he suggested something to me.

"You know since you're sooooo sure he doesn't remember, why don't you try to get close to him? Or actually find out if he does remember?"

I said with a simple okay.

"Also that doesn't mean you can't call your big brother to pick you up sometimes. I don't even see you anymore so we don't hang out at all anymore." He pouted like a child.

"You can pick me up tomorrow then and thank you, you know.....for listening to me."

"Anytime Eren." He smiled and left.

He's right, if he doesn't remember that doesn't mean i can't get close to him.

I pick up my phone to text Mika and Armin.

- group chat -

Sis: Eren why weren't you home?

Chill Mika, i was still at the library. Anyway
I'm home now.

Oceanboi: it's okay, anyway we
should start working our homework.

Sis: I'm already done with it.


Oceanboi: sometimes you scare me,
even I'm not that fast.

I wanted to ask if you wanna hang out later this weekend?
Since we're gonna be done with our assignments.

Sis: sure.

Oceanboi: yeah, we could go to the mall.

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