CHAPTER 2 - Levi Ackerman

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Eren's POV
Why Hange of all people? After she found me crying, she dragged me to nurse's office and hugged me, comforting me. Waiting for me to calm down so she could ask me what's wrong.

It didn't help. I only started crying more. I remember how she used to hug me a lot back then. I missed her hugs. I miss everyone.
She was rubbing her hand in circles on my back.

After some time i finally calmed down.

"Eren what's wrong? I can help you if you need some help? Did anyone bother you or?"

I wanted to tell her how i remember everything but what if she doesn't? Do i risk the chance? No, it's my fault they all died.

"I-im fine really. I'm ju-"

"Don't make up some shit like you're okay when clearly you're not. I care about my students and i want to help them."

I stood up ready to walk away. She was quitely sitting on the chair waiting for me to say something back.

"Look i just have some private problems with my friends but it will be okay. We're gonna sort it out." I lied the best i could. Now i need to put on an act that I'm having a fight with Armin or Mikasa so she doesn't suspect that i lied to her, i know she won't let this go so easily.

I get her concern but at all times why does she have to care now? I'm gonna freak out and tell her everything.

I've gotten really close to her when me and Levi were dating in the previous life. Yes, she knew it. Everyone knew it.

"What did you fight about?"

Fuck Hange, don't go asking me more about it.
How much more do i need to lie?

"I just told them something i remembered but they didn't believe me that happened so they made fun of me. I've gotten angry at them because i wasn't lying." That's not completely a lie. I tried to told them about titans and how we were living that life but they only laughed it up like i imagined it. Sure i gotten angry a bit but i didn't cry about it.
I was only sad because they didn't remember.

"Tell me. I will believe you Eren."
I turned around to look at her and smiled brightly as i waved my both hands in front of me. "Nahh it's okay. I will look passed it and try to forge-" i stopped my saying when i felt a hand pressure on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Levi! Why? Did he follow me?

"You forgot your bag brat." He said simply.

I take my bag from his hands, our hands brushed it a little.

"A-ah thanks."
I turned around back to Hange.

"I'm sorry professor for causing you trouble. Don't worry about me, I'll be on my way now. Goodbye." I said quitely goodbye to Levi too before rushing out towards home.

When i got home, first thing i did was flop my self on the bed and cried more.


Levi's POV
I'm having dreams, sometimes even flashbacks.

Then i realized i was remembering something, but these memories never happened. I did some research on them and figured that these are my memories from my previous life.

Some people said that they were also getting them. I was suprised by that.

I remembered my friends, titans but most importantly Eren.

That little brat titan shifter, how much i love him and today i finally met him in this life.

I wondered if he knew me since how much suprised he was, maybe i just suprised him by suddenly appearing next to him.

He said something about how he had to go, but he came here looking for some book. I saw him crying, he tried to hide it as he turned away but it didn't work since i still saw him.

I stood there comprehesing what happened. I remember all the good times i shared with him. I love him so much, i wanna tell him how much he means to me, how I'm glad i met him again but then i realized how he maybe doesn't remember me?

I saw him left his bag on the chairs earlier but he didn't take it with him. Yeah i noticed him when he first came here, a couple of times before but i was too scared to say anything to him, today i decided to try at least talking to him for a start. So that's how i went up to him and asked if he needed help.

I decided to get his bag and bring it back to him. I found him talking to Hange. I listen on to their conversation, trying to hide myself, it seems that he was still crying and she asked him what's wrong and of course he would give a half ass answer like that.

At some point Four-Eyes was pushing her limits and i decided to step in.
After giving him his bag back i decided to talk to stupid Four-Eyes.

"What happened?" I ask coldy.

"He didn't wanna tell me anything, he lied to me about being hurt by his friends and you know how he is inseparable with them." I nodded my head in agreement.

"What do you think it's happening then?" I ask.

"Not sure." I decided to go back to the library when she asked me.

"Do you think he remembers it?" Hange, Erwin and i were the only ones who still remembered our previous life.

We all find out the same way. She found out how i knew by accidentally started telling me random theories on some hard steel that titans could create. She immediately stopped talking realizing what she said.

My eyes were wide open and i told her how i knew what she meant, we then catch up on some things.

Later on me and Hange have found out that Erwin also remembered.
Erwin is a history teacher here, he wanted to follow in his dad's footsteps, when he was talking to Hange while i was just listening to them, she AGAIN slipped something. She called me 'Heichou' and Erwin just looked at us with wide eyes. He then told us everything. I missed my friends.

"I really don't know. I hope he does." I said sadly. They both knew how much he meant to me, after all they knew that we were dating before.

As i said my last word, i left and thought to myself how i should try talking to him more when he comes to the library.

Oh yeah i could go look for that book he asked for it. Hange told me yesterday how she will give some assignments so that must be it.

What if i help him threw that? Nahh he has his friends. How should we get closer so then i can slowly tell him how do i feel? Too cheesy for him, what is that kid doing to me? I sighed to myself for thinking that.

Hmm maybe i can ask if he can help me everyday sorting books on the bookshelf since we don't have much of a help here. Yes! He will help, he always wanna help someone, he can't say no.

But if he does.....Ahhh, i will go crazy if i overthink about another shit anymore.
I guess I'll see tomorrow.

Hi guys. Yay another chp. Did you like it?
I will do Levi and Eren POV more don't worry, so please tell me if how they act is any good.
I'm doing my best.

Bug out😜💖

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