CHAPTER 8 - Catching up

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Eren's POV
After i got home i immediately went to find Zeke to told him the big news.

I found him in his room listening to music laying upside down on his bed. His legs on the wall while his head was almost off the bed.

"Zeke!!!" I suprised him so much that he rolled over and fallen down on the floor.

I laughed at him.

"What the fuck Eren? That hurt." He said as he got up from the floor rubbing his butt.

"No it's f-funny." I said while laughing.

"Well someone is in a good mood." He smield at me.

"I am. I have news!"

"What is it?" He says excited.

"Levi remembers everything and we're together!" I said happily.

"Eren that's amazing!" He laughed and hugged me tight.

"Can't...breath." i said almost out of breath.

"Sorry baby bro." He smiled as he let me go.

I sat down on the bed and sighed.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

"I told Levi that you also remember. Now I'm thinking that we should all catch up but you're probably busy." I said.

He sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

"I told you I'm more free this weekend, so leave everything to your big brother." I smiled and we hugged again.

"Great! Can we all meet up today? I wanna see Erwin, he also remembers. Oh yeah and get this, Hange, my chemistry teacher also remembers."

My big brother made a funny face with 'Ohh.' I only laughed at him.

"We can meet up today. I think we don't have anything better to do."

I nodded and went to my phone to text Levi.

After a few minutes everything was set.


Zeke drove us towards Levi's apartment where we agree to meet.

Finally we have arrived. I ranged the bell.

I heard commotion inside and soon the door opened.

"Eren your here." Levi said happily and quickly gave me small peck on the lips.

"I missed you too." I said happily.

"Oh hi." He turned his head and saw Zeke.

"Hi Levi." I think they were having a staring contest or something but didn't have a smile on their face.

"Hey knock it off you two." I said.

"Sorry. Lets go inside." Levi said and lead us inside.

We took of our shoes and walked towards the living room. We saw Hange and Erwin really invested in some conversation.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Hello everyone." Zeke greeted.

They turned our attention to us.

The next thing i knew that i was knocked to the floor by Hange.

"Oh my sweet titan baby. I missed you."

"We literally saw each other yesterday." I said in obvious tone.

"Still too long." She whined. Levi only made a 'tsc' sound in annoyance.

She let me go.
"Don't worry Levi, he's all yours, no need to growl at me."

"I didn't!" He yelled. I laugh at this.

I saw Erwin slowly coming up to us. I didn't even get him the chance to speak to us i raced up to him and hugged him.

"Woaah Eren."he chuckled.
I smiled up at him. I missed him.

"I guess i should say sorry first." Zeke suddenly said.

I let go of Erwin and came to Levi side.

"Why and wait who are you? I don't think we have met even in the life before." Erwin said confused.

"Erwin this is my big brother." I said.

"You have a brother?" I nodded.

"I'm Zeke Yeager. Nice to meet you. "

Erwin and Zeke shooked hands.

"About you being sorry.." Erwin started.

"Oh yeah. You know that monkey? Well that was me." He put his head down.

"Oh." Erwin was a bit suprised and held his head down.

I went up to hug Zeke.

"Erwin he didn't have a choice. We all didn't. We all had to fight for freedom. So can we all start anew here?" I ask as i looked at Erwin from Zeke's hold.

"My little brother loves all of you, so i really wanna get to know you all better under better circumstances." Zeke said. I smiled at him.

"I think we can, actually we should." Erwin smiled.

We went to sit at the table and started talking about everything and nothing while drinking our drinks.

Levi was holding me close, being all affectionate towards me which i loved. I was sitting in his lap, my back leaned on his chest. I turned around to look up at him.

"I love you." I whispered.

"Love you too brat." He whispered back before pulling me in a kiss.

I started to think about me and Levi being together then it came to that i will probably have to tell my parents and my friends.

Also i would like to ask Levi on a date tomorrow. I hope he can go.


Heyy guys. I'm closing this story soon.
I planned on doing this story short so don't be mad at me for not being so long.

Bug out😜💖

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