CHAPTER 10 - Date night

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Eren's POV
I drove off, driving us to the place i planned our date night.

"Just tell me where are we going?" Levi was getting slightly annoyed since i haven't told him yet where are we going.

"Well i know how you like books but also to drink tea. So we're going to some kind of caffee where you can read while drinking your drink. But there's a small suprise i will not tell you, you will just have to see when we get there." As i told him something about our date, he thought a little what the surprise could be.

"Will i like it?"

"The surprise? Oh definitely."
I smiled happily just by thinking of his reaction.

After a few minutes of driving we finally arrived at our destination.

"What's this? Cat caffee?" He asks.

"Let's go inside." I took his hand and laughed it off.

When we got inside, i felt a warm and comfortable vibe coming from this place, cats all around the place, some laying around, some playing with customers or with other cats.

Some people just reading books and enjoying cats company.

"It's really nice here, also quite and the cats are a really cute suprise, i must admit." He says.

"Told ya." I say and kissed his cheek.

I dragged him to one of the bookshelves. We each picked up one book that we will read till our drinks come.

We found an empty spot by the window, one black cat already sleeping on a cushions next to a window.

"So cute." He says while looking at the cat.

We sat down and started reading a little.
The waiter came to us and took our orders.

I put the book down and looked at him, being mesmerised. He looks so peaceful whole reading, so happy. His dark hair falling abit over his eyes and then him tucking it behind his ear, his fingers gliding over pages to flip them.

He just looks so beautiful in everything he does.
He noticed my stare and looked at me.


"Nothing, it's just you look so cute." I said without a shame.

He blushed quickly and looked away from me.

I put my hand on his cheek and made him look at me. "Don't you dare look away from me."
And i give him a peck.

"Damn brat. If you're gonna kiss me, then do it right." He pulled me by my collar and kissed me deeply and passionately. My eyes widen at his actions but moved my lips against his anyways.

Savouring every kiss, every moment i have with him.

"You make me go crazy." He says. I laugh.

"You think you don't, you're worse. You make me forget about everything and make me think only of you." I say.

He kissed me quickly before going back to his book and me too.

After a few minutes, the same waiter brought us our drinks. We put our books down and started talking about so many things, along with petring the cats around us.

Enjoying our date.
I wish we found our way to each other before but at least we did later on.
Some destined people don't even meet, so I'm happy we can finally be together and happy, not sad like in our previous lives.

The End




hird's POV
They had dates loads of times before Levi asked him to move in with him.

He helped him with schoolwork sometimes and drive him everyday to school.

Sometimes they would invite everyone at their place to hang out.
All of them feeling happy with their new lives.


"You're mine, don't forget that!" Levi said to Eren before they were going to sleep.

"I won't and you're mine too. I will always find you in every life we will have." He says happily and gives him a sweet kiss to which Levi happily returns it.

"I know our previous life was bad, but I'm still happy it happened because it let me to meet you." Eren comments to him.

"I believe that too." They share one more kiss before going to sleep, with arms around each other, legs tangled together.

"Will everyday be like this?" Eren asks him.

"Only if you marry me." Levi says bluntly.

"What?" He says surprised as he sat up.

"Well will you marry me?" He asked him again.

"I thought i was gonna prepose to you in a more romantic way, not like this." Eren whined at him.

"You know I'm not good with any romantic stuff, but how long will i have to wait for you answer brat?"

"It's a yes of course. I love you." Eren says as he throws himself into his arms.

"I love you too Eren."

Finished. Finally. I didn't post this chp before because i didn't know how to end it and now there you have it.
Sad to see it ending but yeah.

I love them so much, please don't be disrespectful if you don't. If you don't like it, just don't read it and avoid topics like this, easy as that.

Bug out😜💖

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