CHAPTER 6 - Night

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Eren's POV
I quickly took out my phone to text Zeke.

- chat -

Umm hi..

What's up?

It's raining hard and
Levi kinda suggested
that i should sleep over

Oh..well ok
Now you can fuck😉

I'm sorry what now?😳

He must be drooling over you.
Didn't i tell you to make him
fall in love w you
even more than before?

Mhm yeaah
but not to FUCK W HIM!

just admitted,
you want his dick so much

I hate you, i hope you
have nightmares and
choke in your sleep 😌

Love you to Eren💕

- end of chat -

I looked at Levi who sat beside me on the sofa, looking at me as if waiting for an answer.

"I can stay." I say quitely.

"Okay you'll sleep on my bed."

"And you?" I asked, already sweating from nervousness.

"Here." He pointed at the couch we're sitting on right now.

"Levi i can't take your bed!"

"Um sure you can." He said in boring voice, taking a sip from his tea.

"But-" he cutted me off.

"No buts and no arguing over it."

I pouted a little but agreed since i knew he won't let it go.

"So can we talk about those dreams again? Tell me about yours." He suddenly says after a good minute of silence.

"Um.." i didn't know what to say. Should i say everything and he will laugh at me, or should i just say small things?

I remember Zeke saying that i could try and find out if he does remeber.
Maybe i could try it.

"Mostly about my friends and someone i care about so much." I say with a smile.

"Oh." He says suprised a little.

"Yeah, we're always fighting from something. We are like big family. I saw some people die." I remember how at dinner i told him that i didn't wanna eat meat because it reminded me of Sasha.

I felt a tear running down my cheek but then Levi wiped it off with his finger and gently caressed my face.

"Remember how i told you i couldn't eat meat for some time, it's because it reminded me of my friend." I said softly.

I guess i can tell him a little bit.

"I understand. Were those dreams like visions or?" He asked curiosly.

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