CHAPTER 9 - Invitation

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Eren's POV
The next day soon came and right now i was bored to hell in class.

"Pss." Someone whispered. I noticed it was Armin who is sitting beside me.

"Do you wanna eat lunch together?" I only nodded.

I needed to talk to them about Levi, that me and him are dating and that I'm planning to ask him out on a date.


"Hi Eren." Mikasa said as she joined us.

We were sitting outside on the bleachers and watched practise while eating.

"Hey." I said.

Armin was smiling happily while typing on his phone.

"What are you smiling at?" I ask with a smirk.

"Well um..i..i met someone and they're really nice."

"Do you like them?"

"I think i do." He blushed hard.

"Oh you definitely do. So who is it?"

"If i tell you, promise you won't be mad or find it disgusting?"

"Why would i?"

"I don't know. It's all new to me so I'm just scared."

"Armin we're your friends and we'll support you in anything." Mikasa said with a bright smile.

He took a deep breath before saying.

"First of all I'm pansexual."

We both nodded to him with a smile on our faces. The kind of smile that makes you safe and comforted.

"And this person is a guy. I really like him."
He stopped for a second to see our reactions.

"I don't think we ever did talk about our sexuality but I'm gay if that helps you being less scared of my answer. I'm so happy you told us this." I quickly said. He smiled happily at me and nodded.

"I thought i was straight but turns out I'm bi. I really like one girl from our class." Mikasa said.

Me and Armin were both suprised.

Armin let out a sigh.

"So the guy i like is Erwin...our teacher." Armin said.

"Really that's cool. I think you two would look great." I said happily. I remember in our past life they were dating and were very happy together until.....well...Erwin's death touched Armin the most. I almost cried on the spot of remembering.

"Thank you for telling us Armin, we support you." Mikasa said with a smile.

Armin released a deep sigh.

"Guys i also have something to say." I started.

They looked at me curiosly.

"I have a boyfriend." I said happily. They both lunged on me suprised.

"Whaaaaat? Since when?"

Since my last life. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"Since a few days ago." I responded.

"Well do we know him?"

"Not sure, i don't know if you met him. He does work at the library in our school." I said.

"I got to the library all the time so maybe i know him." Armin says.

"He's name is Levi."

They were both queit until Armin said.

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