Chapter Seven| Dinner gone wrong...

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     Jane and I sat on the floor of my room as I held her in my arms. Her tears stained her cheeks the more she sobbed into my arms. I ran my hand down her hair trying to sooth her. She laid in my lap, her sobs echoed on the walls.

She was taking blame for something that wasn't her fault entirely. "Hey just relax," I muttered as she nodded her head.

"It's just my fault," she sniffled having me sigh. "I ruined their perfect night."

I grabbed her shoulders before having her look at me. Her sad eyes met mine as I wiped the tears from under her eyes. "It wasn't your fault, you want to know who's it it?" She nodded her head. "Lucas Grant and Carlos Vandal. You said it your self that they watched it happen and had their phones out, obviously they were up to something."

My eyes were set on hers as she went from sad to shocked. It isn't difficult to put the pieces together when Lucas is involved. His whole aura is just filled with him wanting to watch people's downfalls.

"Valerie, you are so smart!" She squealed before wrapping her arms around me. "But what will we do?" I pondered for a minute, both of us slouching on the floor. "If my mom walked in on us she would start yelling at us to fix our posture," Jane said as we laughed.

I laid on the floor, pen in my hand as I tapped it on my chin. "We definitely need some ideas, and something that will have him shocked." Jane nodded her head but we were interrupted as my door swung open to see my mom standing there.

"Jane sweetie, I am sorry but you have to go home, your mom called." Jane only stood up before hugging me as she walked away. My mom walked her down as I stood at the stairway before Jane closed the door behind her. I watched my mom noticing she was in a black dress and had red lipstick.

I titled my head to the side before walking down stairs as she finished off some food. "Her mom did call but I needed her out before seven," she explained before going to the fridge and grabbing some wine.

"Who's coming over?" I asked as my mom poured herself a glass.

"A guy from my work, we have been hitting it off and I decided to have him over for dinner," she blandly said. My eyes widened.

I shook my head. My mom was still very young and was at the age where a normal person would be having a child. "Mom."


"You have a husband," I said. She snorted.

"Why do you think he is gone? We got a divorce, it just wasn't right so he left and that's that." I slouched against the wall as she walked around putting finishing touches on the dinner. "And you will sit here and get to know him, he might be our future," she hinted at before winking at me.

I groaned as my mom shooed my away. "Now go change and look presentable!" I rolled my eyes as I walked up the stairs.

My mind got curious to see if they really had left. I poked my head in my step sisters room to see everything was gone. My smile dropped as a frown covered my lips. It really shows how people can leave so quickly.


I sat at the dinner table, hands in a fist as my mom and Jared talked. This dinner had nothing to do with me and I don't know why I was here. "So Valerie do you have a boyfriend or something," Jared asked as I chocked on my food.

"No I don't. It would be nice but not yet," I said giving him a smile as he nodded his head. "So Jared how did you meet my mom?" It was my turn to ask the questions.

He cleared hi throat. "I was just leaving my shift and then kinda ran into her. We talked and hit it off." I nodded my head before my mom and him went back to talking. The feeling of a hand on my thigh had me straighten my back. I looked under the table to see Jared caressing my thigh.

I sucked in a breath going back to my food. His hand went higher, my eyes on my food. I panted as I felt it go higher. I kicked my mom under the table as she just scolded me.

My chest went up and down faster as my breath sped up. They kept talking as his fingers went under my skirt. I pushed my chair out before speeding to the door.

Tears brimmed in my eyes as I opened the door feeling the air on my skin. The tears that were in my eyes fell, hard. I started to walk to the park as I continued to cry. My mind was going at a million miles per hour. The feeling of my past crept up in me as I tried holding it in.

Don't cry! I tried telling myself that but only more tears were in my eyes. I walked and walked till my feet hurt and I crashed on a curb. Someone lived in the house I was in front of but I didn't care. My head went into my hands as I sobbed. The feeling of his hands was still on my skin.

I scratched at my skin, wanting to get the feeling off. Nothing was happening. My blurry eyes had it impossible to see but I knew my nails were scratching at my skin. The sound of a car rolling up to me had me wipe my eyes and look up. Even with my puffy and blurry eyes I knew this car.

And I didn't want to be near him. "Go away Lucas!" I called back as the sound of a door opening and closing echoed in my ears.

"Is Valerie afraid of crying in front of her bully," he joked as I sipped around. My eyes met his body only a few feet away.

"Go to hell! You have no idea what happened and that is going to stay like that! I don't want you near me ever!" I gasped for breath before sitting on the curb again.

"I already plan on going to hell, sure you can join me of you want," he snickered. My head snapped up.

"Like I would ever wanna be near you," I breathed as he laughed, leaning onto the hood of his car. "How about you go on your trip and then tell me how it is, because you will be the first to go there."

"Watch it Valerie, gonna have me think you like me or something," he joked as I wiped my eyes.

I threw my head back laughing. "With all that amount of time spent on making sure to ruin my life it will seem like you have a crush on me, but I bet that is your little fantasy." I smiled before turning on my heels and walking away. I looked at the blue sky, clouds still in the sky.

My feet continued to walk even though a pain shot through my feet, like a knife stabbing me. I walked and walked before I collapsed onto my yard. I knew it was my yard by the rose bushes.

Jared's car was gone, thankfully. I opened the door as my mom rushed out of the kitchen. "Valerie! Oh my god, I was worried about you! What happened?"

I shook my head as tears stung my eyes. "I can- can't say," I sobbed as she hugged me.

"Did he do something to you?" I shook my head 'yes.' "Did he touch you?" That's when I sobbed more and my mom took that as my answer.

"I am sorry," I cried as she hugged me.

"You did nothing wrong, and we are going to the police tomorrow. I can't believe he did that baby." She hugged me till I couldn't cry anymore. All night she was with me, laying with me in bed.

I laid on my bed feeling tired as my mom sat on the other end of the bed. My mom soon fell asleep as Inlaid awake, all night.

Hey guys! So I updated! Now what Valerie has/had gone through will make her stronger and if this has ever happened to you I am sorry and always open to talk!

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