Chapter Nine| Slapping the enemy...

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My hand drummed on the steering wheel for the hundredth time as I waited on Amelia. I had honked the horn about twenty times and she even came outside and yelled, "Give me one minute!" But did she come outside in the last fifteen minutes. No. I somehow was on time even after working a shift.

The door to her house opened after what seemed like years. "Hi!" She beamed as I gave her a fake smile, annoyed with how late we are going to be.

"If you want a tour of the school you have to be on time," I snapped as I started the car. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her roll her eyes. Oh how I would love to punch her face right about now.

She sighed as she faced me. "I have to look good so guys like Lucas can talk to me. They don't talk to people who look like trash," she spoke eyeing me at the end. I rolled my tongue in my cheek.

"They also fuck the girls who try too hard and forget about them a day later," I commented as she huffed. I have seen that happen for years, but who am I to say anything. "But you can have Lucas and his little crew."

The school parking lot was full of teenagers as they sat in their cars talking with friends. Amelia looked around as she waved to someone as I looked up to see it was Lucas. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Ask him for a tour and a ride to school next time," I said as we got out of the car and I locked it.

She said nothing but pranced over to them, as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. I grabbed my two bags as I walked into the building. "Valerie!" I turned my head to see Kade and his friends leaning against a locker. My face started to heat up but I moved that way. He flashed me a smile as he shooed his friends away. "How are you?"

"Um I am good, how about you?" I asked in return as he laughed. Was I being too nice?

"I am good, I enjoyed seeing you last night. But I have a question to ask that's why I was there actually." He started to walk as I followed him down the hall. I stared at his deep drown eyes waiting for his words. "There is this party tonight and I was wondering if you would like to go with me."

My face practically lit up. He seems to have that effect on me. Right when I opened my mouth to agree another voice struck the air. "Actually Kade, she is busy. You know being an A+ student she doesn't like having fun." Lucas smirked at his words as I turned to face Kade.

"I will go and I actually have something to ask you, well show you." Kade looked puzzled but I leaned in and placed my lips onto his. They were soft and moved against my lips right away. I smiled as I pulled away and faced Lucas. His mouth was closed and he was obviously mad. I just gave him a smile before turning away.

The feeling of having your first kiss to one of the hottest dudes on campus was thrilling. My heart was pounding in my chest as I walked the halls on my way to English. On the way there I saw Jane talking to some girls, she smiled at me and gave me a wave. "Valerie!" I whirled around to see Blake waving me down.

"Hey Blake," my voice was sweet as she wiggled her eyebrows at me. "What is that look?"

"I heard you kissed Kade!" She yelled as I flew my hand over her mouth.

My eyes looked around the halls. "Yes, but only a few people saw and with you yelling it isn't helping," I said removing my hand from her mouth. Her eyes were wide but nodded her head.

"I just can't believe you had your first kiss! How exciting, in a way," she said shrugging her shoulders. I shoved her playfully as Jane came up to us.

She gave me a smile as well Blake. "So what did I miss?" Blake's eyes almost came out of her head.

"You haven't heard, or saw?" Jane shook her head as she was puzzled. "I thought you would have known by now," Blake whispered.

I put my hands up, eyeing both of them. "I would like it if not everyone knew," I said giving Blake a look. "I will tell you at lunch when not so many people are around." Jane only nodded her head still lost to the whole thing. The bell rang as we all said goodbye and went our separate ways.

Many people moved around the halls, friends saying bye, couple hugging as if they are dying. I moved through people as I walked into English. Kade wasn't there yet, but Lucas was. My breath hitched in my throat as he glared at me. What was his problem? I moved to the back and sunk into my seat. "How was making out with him?"

I ignored his question pulling my phone out. "I asked you a question Tosha," he gritted out as I continued to ignore him. I looked at him through the corner of my eye. His eyes were still glaring at me. "Do you just ignore everyone but your perfect little boyfriend?"

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked snapping my head at him. "You just love to pick at me when there is definitely other things you could be doing with your life." He smirked as he leaned into the table.

"Destroying your life gives me joy. Watching you cry makes me want to smile. Your pain is my joy Valerie." I leaned back feeling heat crush on my cheeks. He was done with patronizing me.

I stood up as he watched me a smirk on his face. My hand swung down on his face as he crashed backwards. "And watching me hit you definitely brings me happiness," I muttered out as he groaned in pain.

"Miss.Tosha! Principals office now!" Ms. Carlson yelled as I smiled, grabbing my bags and heading to the office. Even with the anger inside of me I felt happy.

He has ruined my life the day after Christmas break. Every rumor about me, came from him. I had no chance for a boyfriend or to have boys talk to me with what he said. I opened the door as a few of office ladies eyed me.

The principals door opened as she motioned me to come inside. I sat in a chair feeling her stare. "Care to explain why you you hit Lucas?"

"Yes, and you can ask him," I said leaning back into the chair. All she did was stare at me. "How about you ask him why he started the rumors and maybe I would never have to hit him."

She folded her hands into one and other before speaking. "He has his own reasons but that still doesn't excuse his actions. But yours are worse than his. You can't go around hitting him."

"I only did it due to his words. He abuses me with his words. You haven't seen what he has said, nor did you ever try and stop the rumors said. So you can't tell me shit for standing up for myself."

"Language Valerie!"

I stormed out of my seat and walked out of the office. My body was boiling in anger. The feeling of wanting to hit him again had me even more upset. It felt good to hit him and oh how I would love to do it again.

The halls were silence besides for my footsteps. I turned a hall to see Amelia and Lucas making out. His tongue was halfway down her throat as she tugged on his hair. I leaned against the wall before kicking the locker having them bolt apart. "Whoops," I giggled as they glared at me.

"Go to class Valerie," Amelia snapped as she grabbed Lucas.

"Well your little boyfriend is the reason I am not in class, but if you want me to go to class then I can get security to get you two you class as well." I shrugged my shoulders as Lucas stepped forward.

I cocked my head to the side. "You are a bitch, you know that? You just love ruining everyone's life."

"But you ruined mine first. So it's only karma."

Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter!! <3

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