Chapter Twenty Three| Skipping school...

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Lucas was an asshole. I already knew that of course but this morning was the icing on the cake. Him and Amelia were pressed against his car door making out like no one was around. I gagged while walking through the parking lot, looking over my shoulder as our eyes met. He watched me as his mouth continued to kiss hers while I held the stare.

I turned my head breaking the stare and meeting up with Jane who was leaning against her car. She laughed at something on her phone before looking up and smiled at me. "What made you dress up?" She asked looking me up and down having me slowly wrapping my arms around myself. "No! No! You look amazing, any guy would be crazy to not ask you out right now."

My cheeks flamed before I gave her a smile. I looked down at the beige crop top that I wore and bell bottom jeans. "Well now that you say that, that would be ideal. Something crazy happened yesterday so a guy asking me out would make my day better."

She raised her eyebrows at me before I shrugged my shoulders. Blake parked next to her, hopping out of her Jeep, flashing us her warm smile. "I just saw Lucas and Amelia making out in the parking lot, they need help. Seriously," she said giving us a look.

"Can they not do that before school, like it's eight in the morning." Jane shuddered as her phone rang and pressing it to her ear. She walked away, just out of earshot having us watch her as she talked. Blake whistled while digging into her car and pulling out her volleyball bag.

I turned my head to see Amelia walking away from Lucas's car with a wide smile on her face. She walked up the steps of school with a skip in her step.  Blake noticed me watching her having her turn her own head to the dark haired girl. "Making out with Lucas Grant sure does things to a girl." I snorted as Jane walked back over to us.

"Sorry Hazel was calling me asking where we were," she explained. I nodded my head while all of us started walking to the school.

"Valerie!" I whipped my head around to the sound my voice came from. Lucas stood there, hands covering his face from the sun to look at me. "Can I talk to you?" The girls gasped making bets on what was going to happen.

I looked at my friends, giving them a tight smile. "You guy go ahead, I will be there. Just have to see what this asshole wants," I requested as they nodded their heads, walking away.

Lucas didn't move when I got closer to him. A silver chain draped over his grey shirt. "Do you need something?" I asked now leaning against the front of his car. He rolled his eyes, now facing me.

"I want to apologize."

My heart stopped. Never in my life have I heard those words from Lucas, well since we were kids. I gulped while trying to find the right words.

"I shouldn't have said it was a mistake because when I said that, I regretted it," he explained. His eyes were soft and a small smile on his lips.

"Thank you for your apology and I should have been more thoughtful and not kick you out so quickly, but you were going to leave without saying anything and I was going to be more mad," I laughed as he agreed. It went silent when the bell rang having me groan before and look at what the time was. "Well we should be going."

He only shook his head and unlocked his car and moving towards his side of the car. I watched silently, shuffling towards where he was now. "We are skipping."

"We?" I asked now more confused than ever as he got into the car. "I am not getting it i the car till you tell me what's going on."

He poked his head out of the rolled down window rolling his eyes playfully. "Questions, questions. Loosen up Valerie and learn the thrill of my life." I looked back between him and the car before regretting it.

"Fine!" I said walking to the passages side and getting in. Lucas flashed me a smile while putting the car into drive. "But if I get bored or anything, you take me  home right away."

"Okay princess," he joked while rolling his eyes. I relaxed into the seat as he drove off, leaving school grounds. I watched him while one hand was on the wheel and the other sat on his leg.

"Quick question. Why were you making out with Amelia in the middle of the parking lot, so the whole school can see?" I asked turning my head towards him. He shrugged while making a smooth turn. I wanted to push but decided against it.

I watched as his hands turned up the radio and Taylor Swift started to blast through the speakers. Mr.Perfectly Fine started to play having me smile sneaking a glance at him.

"Sooooo, a Swifty?" I asked obviously amused at this. He glared at me having me smile even wider. I tilted my head back still looking at him. "Who knew Mr.Fuckboy was a softie," I joked while he shook his head making a sharp turn having me hold onto the seat.

"What were you saying?"

It was now my turn to glare at him. He turned again, having us go onto the freeway making our way to the end of town. "Where are we going?" I asked looking out the window but still no answer from Lucas having me annoyed now. It was crazy how I thought he was an asshole not even an hour ago, but was in a car with him. I still think he is an asshole.

"You ask too many questions," he drawled while looking at me. I only huffed, pulling out my phone.

I had 100 messages from Jane and a couple from Blake asking what happened. My thumbs typed away a message telling them I was fine and to meet me at my house for dinner so I could explain. Lucas cleared his throat having me shut off my phone and look at him. "You do know that paying attention to the raid won't kill us right?"

He laughed and moved his eyes back to the road. My eyes went to the sign as we slowly  left our small little town and to the next one over. Where were we going? He made a sharp turn on a corner and onto a dirt road that was surrounded by tree's. I squinted my eyes to maybe see anything ahead of me, but nothing. The road went on forever allowing me to slump against the seat. "You seem bored."

"No shit sherlock," I said giving him the side eye as he laughed. The car came to a shop having me look up and see that we were now parked in a dirt lot but an archway stood a couple feet away. "What is this?"

He shrugged his shoulders while getting out of the car. I wanted to ask but the moment we stepped through the archway we were welcomed by small shops all lined up while people walked around laughing. "I had found this place last year and came here weekly. It's small shops and amazing for pictures."

"Aw you want me to take pictures with you!" I exclaimed as he shook his head at me. Lucas started to walk having me follow him, we walked silently at first. "How did you find this place?"

"One day I was going to a race track to watch my friends and took a wrong turn and ended up here. It was good that I missed that turn because coming here every week surely is amazing," he respond having me nod my head. We continued our walk till a store caught my eye. A blue sun dress sat in the window having me slowly creep over to the door not wanting to say anything to Lucas. Even though it was getting closer to winter and farther from summer, the piece of clothing looked cute. "Where do you think you are going?" The voice had me jump.

"Um... no where," I said trying to act like I wasn't just wondering away from him.

He raised an eyebrow at me before looking over my shoulder to see the dress I was staring at just moments before. "We don't need to get distracted."

"Let me just look!"

decided y'all deserved some valerie and lucas content that is actually them hot arguing! hope y'all enjoy


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