Chapter Eight| Someone at my window...

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     The sun seeped through the windows of my room. I rested my head on my pillow, my body in a ball. My mom was down at the police station filing a report but they wouldn't do anything about it. Half the time they think we lie. My eyes were puffy from how long I had cried.

My thoughts were interrupted as my mom opened the door to my room. Her hair was in a messy bun as she sat on my bed. I sat up as she gave me a sad smile. "I talked the the police and all they said they could do was put a restraining order on him but it's better than them telling us no."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I just wish he could have some consequences," I whispered as she agreed.

"So do I. But all we can do is have him on a restraining order and go on with our life like before." But even then that person came back and wants to haunt our lives. "How about we go for a day out. Barnes and Nobel?" My heart lit up as I nodded my head. "That's what I was hoping for. Get dressed I will be downstairs."

My mom left my room as I got up and went to my closet. I reached for a pair of mom jeans and a cute white shirt. My mom sat on the couch downstairs as I walked down. I held my phone in my hands texting Jane what I was doing today.

Jane and I had a different looks on books. I loved them as she hated them. "Alright let's go!" My mom stood up as we walked to our car. "Sweetie can you play some music?"

"Mhmm," I said as she smiled at me. The radio started to blast Taylor Swift, which my my mom and I loved. The wind blew in the car having my hair all over the place. Even after a terrible day, you can have a good one I suppose.


My hands were full of bags of books. The car was running as my mom rushed inside starbucks to grab us our drinks. I sat in the car skimming through my book as a car pulled up beside us. I ignored it at first till yelling started to come from the car.

The sound of a car door opening and slamming had me look over to see it was the girl outside Lucas's the other day. She looked up as if she sensed my stare. I quickly looked away but it was more obvious than pretending to stare at something else anyways. My eyes were staring in my lap as I tried to go back to the book but I could feel her stare.

Where as my mom? I finally looked up to see her still staring at me. Look away! Soon a tap was on my window having me peer over to see her. Great. "Hi," I calmly said as I rolled down my window. She gave ma a smile.

"The name is Amelia," she spoke as I nodded my head. "I think I saw you yesterday. You live next to Lucas."

I plastered a fake smile. "That's me," I grumbled. How I wish it wasn't me. She leaned against her car having me eye her closely. "You recently moved into the neighborhood correct?"

"Yeah, I start school with you guys tomorrow. Can you show me around?" No. She gave me a smile as I breathed through my nose.

"Why not! It will be fun to show you around," I said sarcastically. She obviously didn't catch on or she already hated me.

"Great! Can you take me to school too? Thanks!" Then she walked away and went into the same store her mom went into.

I leaned back in my seat as my mom walked to the car. "Who was that?" She asked as I glared at her.

"Amelia, the woman's daughter who moved in." My mom just sighed as she handed me my iced coffee. "And now I have the pleasure of showing her around."

"Just be nice, maybe she can be a new friend? But her mother was on my nerves so I am not holding my breath." I nodded my head in agreement as I sipped my drink. "Ok let's go home!"


I sat on my bed with my computer in my lap. My eyebrows furrowed as I read the instructions for a future homework assignment. My chin rested my palm as I sighed. The sound of a rock hitting my french doors had me snap up.

The sound happened again as I got off the bed and slowly inched towards the door. My hand grabbed the door handle as I swung open the door. A rock flew through the doors and into the room. I yelled as I looked down to see Kade.

His hair was a mess as he smiled up at me. "Hi," he said. His voice was sweet sounding.

"Hi," I said back giving him a smile. My eyes went down to my outfit as I saw I was in tiny pajamas pants and an old volleyball shirt. "Um I can change?"

He laughed and shook his head. I wad puzzled as he spoke, "No, no that's fine. Can I come up?" My face lit up as I agreed. He climbed the vines up as I looked in the mirror fixing my hair. "Hey Valerie," he whispered as I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked sitting on my bed. He shifted on his feet. He stuffed his hands into his sweatshirt as I cried my legs.

"I didn't see you Friday so I thought I could see you now," he said a soft smile on his face. My heart swelled as his words. I went to speak but out of the corner of my eyes I saw Lucas's room light turn on.

I got off my bed and closed my french doors and the blinds that covered them. "Sorry just had to close that door, I am cold." Lie. I was burning hot. Kade turned around on his feet as I watched him take his sweatshirt off in one motion.

His shirt lifted up in the motion as I tried to keep my eyes to his face. "Here," he whispered giving me the sweatshirt. I groaned it as I gave him a smile. I slid it over my head. Sweat started to form on my arms as I tried to shrug it off.

"Thank you, but I have some work to overlook so I will see you at school tomorrow," I suggested trying to have him leave so I can take the sweatshirt off. He nodded his head as he opened the door's to the porch. My eyes went to the window across the way as Lucas stood at the window, on the phone.

He turned around as I stared at his window. He was looking our way as Kade started to climb down. The moment he waved bye I raced back inside as shut the door behind me. The curtains were still closed shut having me breath. I ripped the sweatshirt off and laid it on my best chair.

Kade was cute and definitely someone who I would love to kiss but no way would I wear his sweatshirt in public. I collapsed on my bed as I opened a window slightly to let air in. I breathed out as I fanned my face with my hands. My hands reached to close my computer and put it to the side.

I had an early shift tomorrow before school, which is something I hated. But luckily mornings before eight am we're typically slow and never caused me much hassle.

Hey guys! Thank you for all the support! You guys are the reason I keep writing!! Love you all!

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