Chapter Twenty Six| Perfect...

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*mature content*

Jane sat down across from me as I studied AP calculus. Small hums could be heard as she flipped through pages of her own book. The library was quite and only a few students sat around the tables. Most of the time Jane and I would use this free period and leave the school to get some food but with both having a test coming up we thought this was better.

"You still never said what exactly happened," Jane said having me shift my gaze to her. I didn't need to ask her what she meant. "And don't try to give me the 'nothing' line."

I rolled my eyes in a playful manner as she smiled cheekily at me. My hands fidgeted with the pen I was holding as I stared at her. "We didn't do anything." It was a lie. She knew it and stared at me with force.

"You know I don't believe that Valerie." Her voice was stern but a small hint of sincerity came from it. My phone buzzed in my pocket having me ignore it the first time till it vibrated again. Jane went back to her paper allowing me to go glance down.

A message from Lucas came across my screen. I felt my eyes fly across the screen then start shoving things into my bag. Jane looked up now, eyeing me closely. "Something came up, have to go."

She didn't believe it but she just nodded her head allowing me to leave the library that was almost empty.

Meet in 205

i want to see you

The feeling of my heart beating echoed in my body. I raced up the stairs, slowing down when passing classes with open doors. My hand grabbed onto the handle of the classroom allowing the door to open. Lucas sat at an empty desk, a white shirt hanging on his skin. I gulped while scanning the gray sweats that hung onto his hips. Fuck.

"I didn't think you would actually come," he said breaking the silence that had closed into the room. He rose and locked the door behind me while I met the stare he gave.

"Well maybe I could leave," I joked, sending him an innocent smile.

"You wouldn't do that. I know you Val," he responded moving back to the desk. My body pulled towards his, soon his hands found my hips. I melted into his touch immediately. He brought his soft lips against mine, my heart pounding harder. "Relax princess," he teased.

I slapped his chest in a joking way but still kissing him. A small laugh echoed from his chest at my movements. "Don't tell me what to do," I retorted.

"You sure about that?" He asked pulling apart from me. Lucas raised his eyebrow while I rolled my eyes at him. "Lost for words?"

"No. Just trying to not think about all that bullshit that come out of your mouth."

"You love the bullshit."

My cheeks flamed up in response, turning my head to hide the truth. His fingers laced through mine before placing a soft kiss on my hand. "You are growing soft on me Lucas Grant," I mummered before kissing him.

I could feel his lips smile as he kissed me back softly. "All for you Valerie." My eyes opened as we pulled back from our moment.

"We can't do this here," I claimed wrapping my arms around his neck while he dug his head into me. My hands played with the ends of his hair, waiting endlessly for an answer.

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