Chapter Fifteen| Coffee talks...

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     My eyes flew open at the movement above me, I peered over my shoulder to see a body laying in my bed. Lucas. The memories of last night hit me having me run my hands down my face. He got to lay in my comfortable bed as I stayed on the floor.  

I sat up stretching my back while going to open my curtains. My eyes looked at the clock to see I had missed my alarm and now we were late for school. Great. I sat down at my vanity searching for my makeup.

"You know since we already missed your alarm and school started an hour ago, you just miss it," Lucas mumbled from the bed.

I set my makeup down. "Well I will like to put myself together. Have too take pride in that," I corrected as he lifted his head off the pillow. His morning hair had my cheeks heat up. "My mom is gone already so you can make something, you know where it is."

He stayed in the bed though not moving. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye too see him staring at me. I coughed letting him know I can see him, he soon got up and left the room. When he left the room and the door shut behind him, I let my breath go.

I always knew he had a charm to him but being in the same room as him was different, and we were all alone. My hands fumbled with my hair tie, putting it up and continuing with my makeup.


The sound of the coffee machine going made me smile softly. As kids we made coffee secretly since our mothers disliked us having it. I sat down at the counter noticing two cups sat there. "Is that cup for me?"

"No, they're both for me," he expressed leaving me to narrow my eyes. "Ones for you," he finally said.

I put my hand on my heart while my lips spread to a smile. "Aw, you care about me," I teased as he rolled his eyes.

"No I just want to thank you," he grumbled while I laughed. "What's funny?"

"Nothing, just that you care about me. You came to me last night and now making me coffee it shows you care," I replied while he glared at me. "You know you love me Grant."

He looked down before pouring coffee in our cups. The room went silent as we sipped the coffee, careful not to burn our tongues in the process. "Why did you come to me?" I asked. He looked up at me before running his hands down the back of his neck.

"I didn't know where else to go," he admitted trying to keep his eyes on the floor but they kept meeting my eyes.

"You have Amelia, you guys are dating right?" His eyes widened before he shook his head 'no'.

He was thinking of an answer to give too me so I didn't keep asking these questions. "We aren't dating but we have done stuff. She thinks we are a thing."

"Ok I didn't need to know y'all have done things," I muttered while sipping on my drink. He gave me a wink having me choke while swallowing. I started coughing as he laughed. "Shut up," I stated wiping the coffee on my shirt that was now stained.

He shook his head laughing harder. "I'm sorry but that was funny," he choked out while I reached over the counter and hit his arm. "Ow! What was that for!"

"For laughing," I laughed. It was my turn to laugh now. He smiled at this moment and leaned against the counter. Soon his smile vanished, replaced with a stern face. I was puzzled while he stood up straight and looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"Thanks for everything but I really need to get going," he sternly said. What?

My eyes followed his body as he walked up the stairs. "Lucas!" I called after him. I had to be one crazy bitch to be chasing him. "You don't get to come through my window and have me help you and then you are nice too me but then the next moment you realize how dumb this was," I pointed out. He slipped in his shirt covering up the bandage.

He ran his hand through his hair. "You don't get too tell me what I can and can't do. Because Valerie Tosha isn't in control of my life," he argued taking a step towards me.

"So don't come into my room at midnight and then act nice too me just for you to hate me again! Because I won't go back down that path." He looked at me before sighing. "Whatever it is you can trust me."

He shook his head, tears brimming in his eyes. "I can't, you wouldn't get it."

"Trust me I might! You deserted me for years so I went through my own shit!" I yelled throwing my hands around. "Whatever what happened, you can tell me."

"No. Thank you Valerie," he said lastly before opening my balcony doors and closing them behind him.

I searched the room for something to throw. My hand reached the flower vase on my vanity and throwing it at the wall. I watched as it exploded having me gasp. My hands went to my mouth looking at the mess that I just created. I moved slowly, crouching down to pick up the broken pieces.

Sobs broke out of my mouth while I picked up the flowers. They looked dead from this angle but really they were alive. Tears blocked my view as I rested against the wall behind me. My hands wiped the tears off my cheeks having me take a steady breath. "What is happening too me?" I breathed trying to find an answer in my head.

Nothing came to my mind.


The bed was warm and soft. My back sank into the mattress while his scent flooded my nose. I sucked in a breath hugging my pillow closer to me. The wind blew softly as I laid there thinking back to this morning. Something happened with his father last night, that much I knew. He didn't have to confirm my suspicions but due to him blowing up at me it was pretty much confirmed through his actions.

Every once and a while my phone would buzz from Jane asking me why I skipped school or Blake asking what she would tell coach. Obviously I called in pretending to be my mom and say I wasn't feeling well and needed to be home. Of course they give you their best regards but really don't mean it. Well that's what my mom used to say.

I sat up and grabbed the book I was reading last night. I flipped through the first few pages to see small writing was in there. It was almost perfect hand writing so obviously it wasn't mine and I would remember if I wrote in my own book.

Who wrote in my book? 

Merry christmas my loves! if you don't celebrate i hope your day was amazing!


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