24. The endless circle of escapes

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Kangdae offered to sleep with him. The bed is big and comfortable. Jimin insisted on sleeping with Jeonggoo and there it's. It's two o'clock AM and they both see each other face to face, silently. Afraid that the slightest noise will undo what they are looking for: Kangdae asleep and elope without him noticing. Jeonggoo grips Jimin's hand tightly. The dancer moves her lips:

"Everything - will - be - fine."

Jeonggoo gives her a kiss on her knuckles. They wait until it becomes three o'clock. Jeonggoo gets up first, grabs the backpack full of clothes and leaves the room. Carefully grabs the keys to the motorcycle and leaves the apartment. Comes back to Jimin's disturbance. Jeonggoo puts aside some books on the bookcase and discovers a safecage.

"We have to leave."

"We need money for a hotel."

"Let's go to the skate center!"

"I don't have gas."

"I'll pay for it."

"We're going to a fucking hotel and that's it!"

Jeonggoo manages to open up. Jimin thinks hears something from the hallway. Jeonggoo keeps ten wads of bills between the elastic of the pants. Closes it carefully and hurriedly, puts the books back and goes to the door, ajar.

"Jeonggoo? are you awake?"

They look at each other in panic. Jimin goes to the kitchen, turns on the counter lights and takes off her bra, leaving it on the floor. Jeonggoo hides crouching in the shadow of the doorway. The door now closed. Kangdae yawns with a sleepy, grumpy expression. Jimin loudly opens the fridge to grab a glass of milk and drink. She waves his hand to Kangdae.

"Sorry if I woke you up. I just felt like having a drink." says Jimin. Kangdae shakes his head and gives a lazy laugh.

"It's okay. It happens" Comes to stand in front of Jimin. "Is Jeonggoo asleep?"

"Yes. We fell asleep early."

"I noticed. Very quiet" he comments curious. Jimin drinks. "You have a very beautiful face" He strokes her cheek and wipes away a trace of minimal milk. Jimin looks into his eyes. "Talented, brilliant, mature, you're a little woman already."

"I don't think so. I sleep in Winnie Pooh pajamas and wear bee earrings." she mumbles dozingly. Jeonggoo tries to open the door, but the lock - which she herself damaged when she escaped two months ago - prevents it from opening without the key. Kangdae laughs lazily.

"How cute. Very cute... Jeonggoo can't hear us" Kangdae points out. "Tell me, didn't you want to sleep with me? My bed is better."

Jimin knows which way he means it. It's obvious. Presses her lips and gets a glimpse of Jeonggoo, her complications with the door. Puts down the empty glass and plays with the sleeves of the sweater she's wearing.

"Yes, I would have liked to" Kangdae corners her. "You are very kind and I like you, mister."

"Tell me Kangdae."

"I'm sorry, Kangdae."

She shivers to kiss him. He pulls her up on the counter and spreads her legs to get into them. Jimin tries to see and because of the metallic noise she hugs him with her arms and legs, doing everything she knows in kissing. Jeonggoo fails to open the door and in the struggle sound is obvious. Out of separation Jimin pulls up her sweater and reddens.

"I don't know if they are okay. They're too big. Do you think they're cute?"

Jimin pulls him to her chest and Kangdae bites Jimin between her breasts. Jeonggoo manages to open the door and get out of the apartment. Jimin pats her back.

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