Fabio Quartararo- Model

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This morning my phone woke me up because it was ringing at a ridiculous hour with a call from my agent, I wanted to ignore it but deep down I knew he would absolutely never call this early unless it was important so I answered it. 

"Hi y/n sorry it's so early but I received an email last night that I just looked at which I think you will be very interested in" he said 

"What is it?" I asked eager to know 

"Dolce and gabbana are doing a campaign with a sports person and they want you to do it" he explained 

"That sounds amazing I would love to do it tell them I'm in" I exclaimed 

I've been modelling for a little while now but have never done anything for such a big brand and to do it with a sports person sounds just incredible it could really be the start of my career. As my agent explained more he said that I would need to go to France for the shoot which just sounds even more like a dream plus everything would be paid for on the trip. My agent set me up with the number of the person who contacted me as well as gave them mine so that I could organise and go over any little details before I leave in just a few days. 

That phone call definitely woke me up and got my mind racing thinking not only about the experience but also who I might be doing the shoot with usually I just do things with other models and the most famous person I have done a shoot with is a model who had done one sort of big campaign before dropping back into more casual work. So the thought of getting to work with someone who is a professional at the pinnacle of their sport is just amazing, I have always admired anyone who can get to the top level of a sport and hence why I watch all sorts of sports when they are on. 


It's finally time for me to fly out to France today and I've been in contact with the organiser of the shoot sorting out some details but its all happening this week, first I will be doing some shoots on my own before I get to meet the guy I'm doing the shoot with for our photos together which sounds so exciting. They still haven't given any indication as to who will join me for the shoot and my agent doesn't know either so it will be a surprise for the both of us which he is nervous about but I'm excited for, I get the nervousness though because of course it could be anyone and my agent is very aware of my brand and wants to keep me safe so is just conscious about those things and has certain people he is hoping it won't be which I think is funny. 

My agent met me at the airport and we went over plans for the entirety of the flight which wasn't too long just a few hours but there was just a lot to go over seeing as it was such a professional shoot he wanted to make sure I knew how things were going to go. All of this information made me nervous because its a lot to take in and on top of that meeting someone knew, it all sounds like a lot all at once. 

We made our way to the hotel after our flight had landed but all I did on the way was stare out the window at the beautiful buildings and just the general scenery because I've never been to France it was so cool to see what it is really like not just in pictures from some of my friends. Looking at where I was really made it sink in what I was actually doing and I felt a little insane after just a few days ago deciding to do this without really having ever done something like this before but getting out of my comfort zone will be good for me I hope. 

Our hotel was just gorgeous it was a huge white building with a lot of little windows all around it and if that wasn't fancy enough the reception was even better there was so many pillars going up to the ceiling which was so high and there was a giant chandelier hanging right in the middle. The receptionist gave us our room keys and we went our separate ways to our rooms which again was like nothing I've ever seen in any hotel before there was a four poster bed and a chaise lounge chain under the window, I felt like a proper celebrity and not just a normal person. It amazes me that a brand would do all this for a shoot when I would just stay in any hotel to work for such a big brand. 

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