Fabio Quartararo- Our little family

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Since Fabio and I got engaged it has been constant with people asking us when we will have kids which to start with didn't bother either of us but the more people asked the more it began to get annoying and I began to feel like it's something I should be doing even though Fabio and I had our own plan. Luckily Fabio has been really good at not letting it get to me too much and reminding me of why we were waiting which made it a lot easier to stick to our plan and ignore the pressure from others. As much it has been difficult to wait and not give into the pressure it has been so worth it as we have been able to settle into our lives together and find our forever house before we started trying. All of this has made us so incredibly happy when we found out I was pregnant like beyond anything we ever felt before which is how I knew we had made the right decision waiting. 

After finding out time has gone by so quickly and now my due date has been and gone by a few days so literally any time I could go into labour which is a scary thought but also exciting as it means soon we will get to meet our little one. My pregnancy has been tough pretty much the whole time between sickness and a lot of pain after the sickness had subsided towards the end of the first trimester. Fabio has just been the best the whole time though as in the early days he would sit with me for however long in the bathroom while I was nauseous and throwing up and would make sure I got enough sleep even if it involved him having to do extra things on top of his busy schedule. As the days went on he has also been really great at doing whatever he can to help out in general but mainly with the pain like he will give me massages each evening that he is home and get me to go on walks with him which are usually very slow but do help to ease some pain. One of the things that I've loved Fabio endlessly for is the fact that when I say I'm craving something he will drop everything and go and get it for me if we don't already have it in the house which has resulted in many very late night trips to the store but he has never once complained. 

More recently I've been going to every race with Fabio as he's been worried that I'll go into labour when he's not around so he has wanted me around to limit how far he can be if it were to happen during a race weekend. Traveling with him constantly has been fun as I love watching him race but it has really taken its toll on me and each time it has been harder and harder to deal with the journey and increasingly difficult to be on my feet as much as you have to be during a race weekend whether thats in the garage or just walking around the paddock. Luckily now its the summer break and Fabio and I have no plans to go anywhere so we are just going to be at home until this baby arrives which honestly is such a relief as I too have been worried about having to give birth in another country where we won't have all of the things we need but at least now that stress is gone. The only other stresses that remain are actually having to give birth and then having to learn how to take care of another tiny human being with no one telling you how to do it. Both of those things have been weighing on my mind but I know its normal and eventually things will work out and Fabio has been assuring me that together we will get through it which has also helped me to feel a little calmer about it all. 

With me now being overdue things are starting to get more uncomfortable by the day and all I want is for this baby just to be out so after just sitting around for the past few days today I am determined to do some things to try and induce labour. The second I woke up I was looking up things that can induce labour and making a list of them so that throughout the day I can try them out. By the time Fabio woke up I had a long list of different things to try which I showed him and some of which he laughed about but because knows just how uncomfortable I've been the last few days and even weeks he was more than happy to try all of them with me in hopes that something would work. To be able to do any of them we needed to get out of bed which has become an increasingly difficult task for me so Fabio got out of his side and ran around before grabbing my hands and pulling me up as gently as he could as to not cause any unnecessary pain while also actually helping me out of bed. Once we were both up we went downstairs together and he ran off to get the yoga ball we have had in the garage for ages so I could start on one of the things that might induce labour while we had breakfast. 

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