First date

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Fabio Quartararo: 

Fabio invites you to his house for your first date because he knows that you are more of an introvert and prefer not to be around too many people plus he doesn't want anyone to interrupt your date so it works out perfectly. For a while he wasn't sure what he was going to do until he learnt that you like to cook so he gets ingredients in for you both to make dinner together and you to teach him your ways which he pays attention to so he can use on you in the future. You both messed around a little bit throwing utensils around and trying to catch each other off guard which made the process take a lot longer but it was way more fun that way and neither of you could stop laughing the whole time. 

After dinner which turned out really good he set up a movie he had seen but you hadn't that he wanted you to watch because he knew you'd enjoy it. Before the movie started he got popcorn for the two of you to share as well as some ice cream which somehow was your favourite flavour even though you've never talked about little things like that before. During the movie he inches closer and closer to you wanting to cuddle with you but not wanting to make you uncomfortable, eventually you notice what he is doing and make the move to sit right next to him. Right away his arm goes around your waist and you rest your head on his shoulder which is the position you stay in for the rest of the movie. Once the movie finishes he takes you home wanting to make sure you get home safe and you both arrange a second date the next week. 

Marc Marquez: 

For your date Marc shows you around Cervera because you aren't familiar with the area as you didn't grow up there like he did. He thought showing you around would be a good date as he thought it would be a good opportunity to show you the beautiful landscapes as well as telling some fun stories from his childhood so that you could get to know him better. It turned out to be a great idea as the weather was really nice and you got to see some of the best views while touring the city and you really enjoyed hearing a bit more about Marc as although you two have been friends for a few months he doesn't talk too much about his personal life so hearing him talk more about himself made you feel like he was really letting you in. 

After the tour he takes you to lunch at his favourite place and it really lived up to the hype he created as the food is delicious and you two really enjoyed your meal especially as the place was quite quiet because it was a weekday. Once you were done with lunch and argued about who would pay for a good 5 minutes before he walks back to your car with you but doing so he makes the mistake of walking past the fan club which means a lot of people come up to him to ask for pictures which makes the walk take a lot longer. You watch on at the way as he talks to fans for a little while and afterwards he apologises about a million times but you don't mind as it was nice to watch him interact with fans and to see the people who support him endlessly. 

Alex Marquez:

Alex is determined to make your first date perfect in every way so that you will always remember it and so he puts a lot of effort into researching places near you that he could take you to that would be good for a first date. It takes a lot of going through way too many restaurants and cinemas before he finds more interesting places some of which he knows you won't enjoy but eventually he decides on taking you bowling as it allows you two to talk but also gives you the opportunity to something to do. He doesn't tell you his plans and leaves it as a surprise which you try and guess but you don't get it right until he turns into the road with the blowing alley and it becomes much more obvious where he is going. 

The both of you are quite competitive which makes it a very tense bowling game but in between goes you two let it all go and talk to each other as if you were just trash talking one another trying to mess the other up as they threw the ball. As much as you were both being very competitive neither of you are great at bowling so your scores aren't very high but in the end you each win one game which left both of you satisfied. After leaving the bowling alley he takes you to an ice cream parlour where he takes a guess at your favourite flavour based on what he knows about you and gets it spot on which leaves you very surprised but also impressed. The whole date was a lot of fun and you both enjoyed it to the point neither of you wanted it to end even though it had to but you do arrange to see each other again the next weekend he's free. 

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