Pedro Acosta- First day

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At only 19 most people haven't decided on a dream job let alone have already got it but somehow I have already managed that. I have always been interested in engineering and I just happened to have a talent for it too. For a few years I have been taking courses in engineering and I have specialised in motorbikes as that's what interested me the most. When the guy that runs the course I take found out about a job in the MotoGP paddock he recommended I apply just for experience in interviews and to try and make some connections really but I actually got the job which surprised us both and now it's my first day. 

Technically yesterday was my first day as that's when I first got to get my hands on the bike and start to understand all of the mechanics behind it. Looking at everything it was truly fascinating as these bikes are so technical and some of the things in them are truly stokes of genius. As much as yesterday I got to look around the bike and be taught some of the important things about it and about how the team works today is my first day working with the actual riders. They have a post season test which is why I'm here as next season I'll be part of the team and they wanted to get me involved as early as possible. This morning when I arrived I was told I would be working with Pedro Acosta who is also new to the team and to MotoGP as a class as well which actually made me feel a little more comfortable as I feel like he wouldn't get as angry if I get something wrong as we are both just figuring things out. 

Us engineers had an early start so I was up at pretty much the crack of dawn and heading to the track to start getting the bikes ready for the start of the test. The riders weren't required to be there until a bit later which made sense especially as it's freezing outside so they likely won't be going out straight away anyway. Despite not needed to be there about half an hour after I'd arrived Pedro walked in to come and introduce himself to all of the crew which I thought was really sweet of him. Of course I'd done my research before I arrived so I knew exactly who Pedro was and I'd even started watching the races whenever I could so I'm familiar with his style and I've heard that he's a really nice guy. Although I know that he's a lovely person I was still nervous to meet him as the rest of the crew are older men who have been in the paddock a long time and I didn't want him to think he'd got stuck with an inexperienced engineer who wouldn't be any use to him. I'm also not the most outgoing person so meeting so many new people like I have done over the last few days begins to get overwhelming and I get quieter as time goes on. 

"Hey I'm Pedro it's nice to meet you" he said coming over to shake my hand 

"Hi I'm y/n its great to meet you and congrats on the title" I said trying to be friendly 

"Thank you I have to ask how old are you you seem very young" he said 

"I'm um 19" I said nervously

"Wow that's amazing there not many young engineers in this paddock I'm glad to have you working with me" he said 

"Thank you" I replied 

He went back to greeting everyone else while I stood freaking out that he was actually happy to have me as part of his team and wasn't worried I'd be a weak link or something. That is my biggest worry is that being so inexperienced I'm going to let the team down by making a mistake but knowing that Pedro is happy to have me working with him makes me feel a little better. Shortly after he introduced himself to the whole team he left again as he had to get ready to go out on the bike for the first time which meant we had to get the bike ready to go. The other engineers let me do a lot of the work as they wanted to help me learn and seeing as we had more time they were happy to just watch and advise me when needed. 

When pedro came back he went straight out and I was so nervous I didn't want the bike to explode or the wheels to fall off straight away because then I'd definitely be fired on the spot. Luckily after a few laps it was clear that everything was fine and I got to relax and just watch what was going on. I'm not an expert in riding bikes in fact I've never actually ridden one myself but watching Pedro he looked pretty good on the bike and his times were pretty good from what I gathered from the reaction of everyone else in the garage. It was amazing to watch all these guys out on the track leaning off the bike until they are almost on the floor and going so fast down the straight, it was truly a spectacle. 

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