Marc Marquez- Beach days

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After a long and tough couple of months it's finally summer break and Marc and I are going on a short holiday to just get away from everything and relax for a few days before he needs to start training again and the season restarts. Usually we don't go away during the summer break we go during the off season as there is a bit more time but this year we both needed a break so decided to go to Tenerife to get some time away and just lay on a beach for a week. The holiday was a relatively last minute decision in my terms at least as we only booked flights last week after making sure that Marc wouldn't have anything he had to do which luckily he didn't so we were able to get the break we needed. Last night Marc stayed up packing because he loves to leave things until the last minute which meant that we didn't get to sleep until around 2am when we had to be up at 5:30 which was not at all ideal but we have both lived on less sleep so we should be ok. 

Our alarm went off at 5:30 like we had set it too but it still felt way too early especially on the break and getting up was made no easier by Marc who rolled on top of me and put his head in my neck not wanting to get up himself. Eventually we decided it was best we got up so Marc rolled off of me and then offered me a hand to help me up which I gladly took and used it as an opportunity to give him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before heading to the bathroom to get ready. Not a lot of thought had been put into my outfit as I just wanted to wear something comfy for the flight and I did just that by wearing some sweatpants and one of Marc's t-shirts that I often steal from him as its comfy and seeing as I was already looking a bit of a mess I just brushed my hair and put it back up in a bun and called it a day. 

When I left the bathroom Marc wasn't in the bedroom so I went out to the living room to find him in the kitchen making coffee for the both of us and he had put all of our suitcases by the door so we can just grab them when we need to leave. Once the coffee was ready I grabbed two mugs for us both and he poured them which I thanked him for before we both sat at the breakfast bar taking a few sips in silence before talking about what we wanted to do with our time away. Most of the things we talked about doing didn't involve much effort or could really be considered doing anything but that's exactly what we wanted as we don't get too much time to do that usually so any chance we get to be lazy is like a dream come true. We talked for a little while as we finished our coffee before we had to leave for the airport and I grabbed our keys while Marc got the suitcases in the car which I did try and help with but he grabbed them before I could help. 

The car ride to the airport was relatively quick and easy and we found a parking space very quickly which gave us plenty of time to get through all the checks. Even after all this time of constantly being at the airport I still hate them because most of the time something doesn't seem to go to plan I just have very bad luck with airports which is why I dread having to get a plane anywhere. Marc often makes fun of me for my luck at airports but that is until he has to go with me and has to deal with my luck but today he seemed in good spirits. He dragged me right into the airport which was weirdly deserted for a weekend during the summer but I wasn't about to complain as we actually made it though check in and security in record time for me and we even had about 45 minutes until our plane boarded but I was still skeptical that things weren't going to take a turn for the worse. 

"Would you look at that you made it through without a disaster look at you go" Marc joked 

"Don't speak too soon I've made it to this point in good spirits before like the time my flight got delayed 12 hours and then cancelled" I reminded him 

"I forgot about that I will shut up until we get on the plane" he said putting his hands over his mouth 

I laughed at him until I realised he was deadly serious, he just sat there looking at me with a smile while I waited to see if he would say something but he never did. Eventually he broke the cycle and handed me one of his earbuds so that we could watch Netflix together which we did still in silence until we were able to go to our gate and board the plane. I have a list as long as my arm of weird experiences I've had when boarding a plane most of which involve creepy people so as we were boarding Marc kept me close to him with either an arm around my waist or a tight grip on my hand. Usually he isn't very protective because he knows I can handle myself but it must have got to him hearing all my stories because when anyone so much as looked at me weirdly he gave them a death stare while holding me even closer if that was even possible. Just having him with me meant that less people paid attention to me and meant that the whole experience was a lot more enjoyable and I didn't feel like there were eyes on me constantly. 

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