Pecco Bagnaia- A date to remember

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I've found myself pacing around the house full of nerves before my first date with Pecco, if you had told me a few months ago that I would have been going on a date with man like Pecco I would have thought you were crazy but here we are. The two of us met when the magazine I work for sent me to interview him even though I work for the marketing department we were  low on staff so I was selected, he was so sweet during the interview and after we continued to talk until he was dragged away. He wouldn't leave before saying goodbye and exchanging phone numbers and since then we continued to talk pretty much everyday just as friends until last weekend he asked me on a date because he was going to be in town. It was a shock when he asked me out but I was over the moon because I had always found him attractive from the moment we met it had just never occurred to me that he would feel the same way about me but here I am waiting for him to pick me up for a date. 

Looking in the mirror for the millionth time I can't help but consider whether I look good enough even though my friend helped me pick out my dress, it is a little out of my comfort zone because it is quite revealing and form fitting which usually isn't my style but we are going to a nice restaurant so I wanted to dress up. I know I look good but I just don't know if I'm good enough for someone like Pecco who could really have any girl he wants and he chose me so I feel like I need to prove to him and myself that it was a good decision. Eventually I kind of realised what I was doing and made myself walk away from the mirror and psyched myself up so that you can't tell that I've been so nervous all evening. 

A big problem is that I'm just so worried about this date ruining our friendship if it doesn't go well because I have got used to talking to him every day and was prepared to just be friends even though I find him attractive. I don't know how I'll cope if this date impacts our friendship and we end up not talking as much because he really makes my day better and I don't know what I'll do without that. Another thing is that I don't want any form of media attention especially working for a magazine I know what horrible things they write and all it takes is for one picture of me and Pecco out together to be posted and I'll be ripped to pieces by not just the media but also fans, Pecco also doesn't need me to cause any problems that will distract him from his job. All of my worries I know are selfish and people might not care about us being together but just from experience I know if they do it's always a bad thing and you can never get away from it which is why I'm so nervous. 

At exactly 7pm like he said he would I heard my doorbell ring signalling Pecco had arrived to pick me up so of course I scurried to the door to open it right away just happy to see him in person. As I opened the door he was stood there in a suit and tie and I felt underdressed just looking at him by my god did he look amazing with his curls resting on his forehead in such a natural way that just looks so good. He stepped closer to me and pulled me into a hug which felt so nice after only talking though a screen for months in end and as he pulled away he kissed my cheek too which of course made me blush which there was no point trying to hide it because he was so close. 

"You look stunning" he complimented 

"Thank you but I feel underdressed next to you" I said 

"Don't be silly you look gorgeous everyone's going to be looking at you not me" he said 

All I could do was smile at the nice things he was saying and instantly felt much more confident and care free just being around him. He took my hand to lead me to his car opening the door for me before going round to his side and getting in grabbing my hand again resting our hands against my thigh as he drove. We took a route I've never been on before despite living here for a few years now and it was beautiful with trees all around that looked just stunning as the sun was setting and creating a beautiful silhouette behind them, it really made me realise that I need to get out more and explore more of where I live. Not many words were exchanged when we were in the car but they didn't need to be because there was a comfortable silence between us as we looked out at the scenery around us and just appreciated actually being together in person. 

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