Marc Marquez- Christmas surprise

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With all the ups and downs of the year I have to say I'm quite glad it's almost over and that Christmas time is near. Last year because of all the restrictions we didn't get to have a proper Christmas with family but this year I get to experience the true Marquez family Christmas for the first time, I missed 2019 because Marc and I had not long started dating and it wasn't the time to spend Christmas together so we spent it with our families separately. Hearing all the stories from Marc and Alex has me both excited and worried for my sanity, I'm hoping that since they are older the two of them will annoy each other less but from what I see all the time I don't think that will happen.

With the end of the season being mid November Marc and I have had the chance to get away and have a proper break as well as getting to see family that live further away who we don't see all that often. We also managed to visit Norway where neither of us had been before and really wanted to visit and as much as it was cold there we had such a great time exploring a new country without the restrictions of knowing there is a race or something to do. Having him around so much has been so nice because we get to be spontaneous like if we decided one morning we wanted to go and do something we can just do it and we don't have to plan things around intense training and races. It has also been useful as he's great at thinking of gifts for people so when we are deciding what we want to get for people I barely need to say a word because he already has ideas for everyone, I've yet to get him to slip up and mention his ideas for my gifts even though he's done it to me a few times but he's just so hard to crack when he's keeping a secret.

That's all been fun but now that's it's Christmas eve I'm beyond excited I mean I woke up way too early this morning just because I wanted to get the day started, plus I still needed to wrap Marc's gifts so any time when he isn't up I need to take advantage of. We had agreed this year that we weren't going to get each other much because neither of us want or need anything so instead I have managed to find some things that I think are really meaningful and that he will enjoy the sentimental value of, I'm really happy with each one and I can't wait to see what he thinks of them. There is also a little surprise that I know he won't be expecting but I'm especially excited to see his reaction to that one as well as everyone else. My last minute wrapping session stared with me fumbling around my wardrobe where I hid all the gifts in the dark as turning a light on would wake Marc which is harder than it sounds because in it only had to find the gifts amongst everything else in there but get them out while also being as quiet as humanly possible. The rest of the job was pretty easy although I'm not great at wrapping anything that isn't a box so some didn't turn out as good as others but I keep telling myself it adds to the charm.

Luckily just as I stashed away the presents Marc began to wake up so as not to raise suspicion I grabbed a hoodie from one of the hangers to put on so that it looked like I was just cold. Marc looked a little confused for a moment before his half asleep brain managed to work out what I was doing but as soon as it did he opened his arms and ushered me over.

"If you're cold come cuddle we can warm each other up" he offered

You best bet I took him up on that offer right away and got back into bed right next to him letting his arms snake their way around my waist tickling my sides slightly in the process. My head found it's way to his chest and all my thoughts just dissolved into nothing listening to the calming beat of his heart. Nothing is better than calm moments like this with Marc you could offer me anything in the world and I would say no if it meant giving up these moments just between us, without fail each time if anything has been bothering me I will always feel better after a cuddle session.

Eventually we had to get up and brave the cold air in the house because we had plans for the day, most of which don't involve leaving the house luckily but still we have things to do. Before either of us could bare to do anything we put on the heating to warm the house and piled on all the warm clothes we have or Marc has that I stole off of him as soon as the weather turned colder. Once the house was warmer we made a start in our list of tasks for the day which were mostly baking because the two of us offered to make desserts to have after dinner. The task seemed pretty easy at first but I forgot how much of a disaster it was the last time me and Marc tried to bake together, we don't even refer to it by name just purely by 'that day' which just goes to show how bad it was but here we are again.

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