Fabio Quartararo- Love hate relationship

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Request for @alelealeooo

Walking around the paddock for the first time I can't help but feel a little out of place, there is just so many people around and I can feel so many eyes on me trying to work out what I'm doing here and honestly I don't blame them because I'm starting to wonder the same thing. When I got this job as a pr for Yamaha I was really surprised as I was by far the youngest person at the interview and definitely the least qualified yet for some reason they still gave it to me, don't get me wrong I really appreciate it and I'm so happy to have this job but I can't help but wonder why they chose me. The more I think about it the more nervous I get for my first day which happens to be today because I feel like I really need to prove myself and show everyone at the team that I'm capable of doing this job and show myself that I deserve this as much as anyone else.

My first morning has been really hectic and I've not even done any pr work yet I've just been in constant meetings to discuss all the media briefings that will go on during the weekend and another to go over my contact with the team boss which I was nervous about but it all went fine and he was really nice to me. Now that it's just after 10 I finally get to start my job and meet Fabio who is the rider I will be working with for the season, I already know a little bit about Fabio as I did my research when I got the job and I'm really excited to work with him as he seems really nice and not to mention a great rider. The only problem is that I find Fabio quite attractive but I'm determined not to let that get in the way of me doing this job as it's like my dream job and it would be stupid to let it got over a silly crush.

The first thing I had to do was actually meet Fabio and talk him through our schedule for the day before we go to a press conference for a few riders. Seeing as its Thursday which is the media day before races there is a lot going on today which means a lot for me to keep up with but I have everything planned out perfectly so as long as we stick to schedule it will all be fine. To get things started I headed to Fabio's motorhome where I was told he would be and knocked on the door to make sure I was good to go in but when I was met with silence I just opened the door anyway and said hello as I walked in. When I went in I saw Fabio sat with headphones in not paying attention at all but I did manage to get his attention by walking in front of him which made him take his headphones out. I introduced myself to him and began to go through our schedule for the day which he didn't seem to be paying much attention to but I continued anyway until we needed to leave for the press conference and he just walked out leaving me to run after him.

At the press conference Fabio just made his own way to his seat leaving me looking like an idiot just stood there like I'm not able to do the simplest part of my job properly which isn't true but what is that I have no control over Fabio whatsoever. I sat down and wrote down all of what Fabio was saying so that some parts of it can be posted by Yamaha on their social medias or their website which has turned out to be the easiest part of my job so far. The press conference wasn't bad but it was over quite quickly and when it was I had to get Fabio to another interview with bt sport in just a few minutes so there was no time to hang around or else we would be late. As Fabio was leaving the stage I went to meet him to get him to go with me but he was talking to another rider which I let happen in hopes that the conversation would be over quickly but I wasn't that lucky and I had to try and get him away to our next interview.

"Fabio sorry to interrupt but we have an interview to get to" I said in the nicest way possible but still trying to portray that we needed to get going

"Yeah I get it just give me a minute" he said bluntly

"We don't really have a minute the interview should be starting now" I said slightly more intensely this time

"God fine I'm coming jeez woman" he scoffed under his breath but I heard him loud and clear

We walked to the interview and I had to apologise for our lateness which luckily the interviewer was ok with but it still annoyed me because it makes me look bad on my first day when we turn up late to everything. This went on pretty much all day it was like trying to get a ant to follow instructions just impossible, at points I just wanted to yell at him but I kept my calm and just got through it. Fabio on the other hand was not the same he got increasingly annoyed with me as the day went on and I even heard him call me a bitch a few times supposedly under his breath but I heard him loud and clear. The more annoyed with me he got the more I just gave up and let him do as he pleased because there was no way I was going to win the battle and I really didn't feel like trying because my efforts so far had really taken it out of me.

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