Jorge Martin- Frustration

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My heart is beating so fast as I wait for my taxi to arrive at the circuit where I'm going to surprise Jorge. The last few weeks I've been planning to go to the British gp despite telling Jorge that I wasn't able to go as I couldn't get the time off work but in reality I've been wanting to surprise him at a race for months and it just happened to be that this was the best one to do it at. Jorge really wanted me to be able to go to the race as I'm British and he wanted to be able to do my home race with me there in person so he was quite sad when I said I couldn't go but thats how I know he's going to be so excited to see me there. I needed a bit of help to pull it all off because I needed someone to let me into the paddock but it has been hard keeping it a secret as quite a few people know but not all of them realise they need to not mention things to Jorge so last night I had to scramble and try and convince him that they were just joking around although I'm not sure he believed me. 

Once I arrived I text Jorge's crew chief and he arrived pretty quickly and gave me my pass that allowed me in and told me that Jorge was in his motorhome so I could go and greet him. Thats when I really got excited as I haven't seen him in a few weeks as he went from Austria where the last few races were to Spain to do some other events and things and then straight to England so I've really missed getting to hug him and see his face. When I got to his motorhome I said goodbye to his crew chief and went up the steps to knock on the door and waited nervously for him to open the door. The wait felt painfully long even though in reality it was just a few seconds but once the door was open I saw Jorge's eyes light up as he picked up and enveloped me in the tightest hug I've ever been given. It felt so good to be in his arms again and to smell his cologne which always makes me feel at home. He put me down after he had carried me into the motorhome but he barely gave me a second to think as he grabbed my jaw and kissed me for a few seconds before deepening it by pulling me even closer to him. 

Eventually I pulled away to breathe and he actually allowed me to sit down so that we could talk but he wouldn't allow me to just sit next to him he had to pull me onto his lap wrapping his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. We caught up on our lives over the past few weeks and of course he asked me how I was at the race so I explained everything to him which he was mad about for a minute because I'd lied to him but he got over it pretty quickly when he realised that me being here meant he got what he wanted with being able to race at my home gp with me watching from the garage. It's funny really as I think Jorge is more excited about all of this than me, since we got together he has wanted to be able to race at silverstone with me there to watch but it just hasn't worked out every other year. So now that it's going to happen he can't stop talking about how excited he is to show me all the fun parts of the circuit while I show him some parts of the local area so that he can get a taste of England like he has always begged me to do. 

He was so excited to have me with him that he dragged me up from the sofa to go on the track walk with him which on one hand seemed great as it was a really nice day outside however silverstone happens to be the longest circuit out of all of them this season which I'm not so thrilled about after being on a plane and having to get up early and go to the airport. We headed out through the garage as some of Jorge's crew were supposed to join us to go through parts of the track as we walk around but along the way a few other Ducati riders joined us so we ended up with a large group of us which I don't think was part of Jorge's plan. As much as it wasn't exactly what he had in mind I really enjoyed myself as I got to catch up with Jack and Pecco who I get on really well with but haven't talked to since the last time I went to a race which was quite a long time ago while walking with Jorge next to me and his hand holding mine tightly. Eventually things got boring as the team members started to talk about technical things that made no sense to me but I got through it by looking at everything going on around me and then kind of spacing out and thinking about the weekend which turned out to be quite effective in wasting time until we got to keep walking. 

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