𝗃𝗃 « 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗒 𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗒 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗁𝗂𝗆

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warnings: contains mentions of psychical abuse, JJ being hurt (that deserves a warning 🥺)

type: angst, with some fluff at the end

plot: You were at home,  your parents went on a long business trip which left you at home by yourself for a month so JJ practically moved in with you for the whole month.. but during that month some things happened with the Pogues and JJ stole some money that he shouldn't have. One day, he randomly comes to your house with some expected injuries.

a/n: this takes place after JJ steals money from Barry's place in season 1, and everything that happened after!

a/n: this takes place after JJ steals money from Barry's place in season 1, and everything that happened after!

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The smell of lasagna filled the kitchen, which cause you to sniff the air in satisfaction. You were whipping up some food for yourself because you were hungry to the point your stomach ached, you haven't ate anything all day. You plan to leave some leftovers for JJ. JJ went somewhere without telling you where, you were worried but let him go. As you took the lasagna out of the oven, you heard your front door slowly open with a creak. You leaned out of the kitchen's entryway to see who it was. It was JJ, he had his head hung low as if he was upset, his hair was a mess and his clothes were dirty. You frowned at his appearance.

"Baby.. are you okay? where did you go?.." You asked with a worry.

He slowly looked up at you, his lip trembling. You quickly found your answer on where he went without JJ even having to say a word. His cheek was bruised with a dark shade of brown, his other cheek was irritated and red, he was bleeding from the mouth in which he was missing a few teeth from, his right eye was a little swollen. You felt your chest tighten, your breathing got heavy, and your facial expression was full of worry.

"Baby.. oh my god" You sigh shakily at his injured features.

You notice him begin to tear up, and his lip trembles more. You quickly run up to him and pull him into a hug.

"What the hell did he do to you?!" You ask, your own eyes beginning to flood with tears now.
"H-He just... I-.. I was just..." JJ whimpered and stuttered as he eagerly melted into the hug.

The poor boy could barely speak.

"it's okay baby.. just wait a minute, calm your nerves a bit, and then tell me.. okay?" You try your utter best to comfort him, rubbing your hands up and down his back.
"C-Can you h-h-hum for m-me?" He asked, hyperventilating now.

You quickly begin to hum for him. Your voice always managed to calm him, so after a minute or so, his hyperventilating stopped and his heavy breathing and stuttering ceased for the most part.

"Now... tell me what happened.." You frown.

You move to hold both sides of his face with your soft palms, you knew he liked that.

"W-Well... i was trying to use the money i took from Barry's place.... or.... stole, i guess?... and pay dad back for bailing me out of jail... he ended up making me change my mind... and i tried to take the money back and run but he stopped me... we fought and... now i'm here" JJ explained, his voice soft.

You frown and quickly hug him again.

"i'm so sorry J..." You frown.

You begin to sob, making JJ frown.

"Baby... i'm okay" He tried to reassure.
"No you're not!" You cry, looking into his eyes.

His lip quivers again at your sad and worried expression.

"I-I'm worried for you J..." You whimper.

He releases a shaky sigh, looking down at his feet. You grab both sides of his face and make him look at you.

"JJ... please just.... stay away from him.. for good" You whimper, your lip quivering.
"He's my dad" JJ sighs.
"Well he doesn't ask like it" You huff.

You wipe your eyes and he does the same.

"Please JJ, for me?" You hum sadly and look into his eyes.

He stares into yours and sighs.

"O-Ok" He nods.
"Thank you... i just don't want him hurting you, never again.." You shake your head.

There was a silence for a while before you break the silence.

"How does your face feel?" You ask.
"it's feels fine, doesn't hurt anymore like it did." He responds quickly.

You nod and look down.

"Want some lasagna?" You ask him, grabbing his hand.
"Yes please, then can we, uh...... cuddle afterwards? maybe?" JJ asks shyly.

JJ's not much of a softie, he wants to act tough all the time, so he hates asking stuff like that.

"Of course!" You smile.

A smile slowly creeps into his face as the two of you go to the kitchen to enjoy the lasagna you made.

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