Chapter Two :: Kyte

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     Kyte was outside again, as she usually was; she was just minding her own business building a mini house with the discarded sticks of a small ash tree she was under when a group of three dragonets approached her. The head dragonet, a bulky little asshole with dark, black scales and black eyes examined what she was doing for a moment before kicking it down.

    "Hey!" Kyte protested. The NightWing, who was named Deathwings, smirked at her.

    "Hey guys, look! Ketchup-face failed!" he sneered in her face. Kyte backed up, clutching her non-developed-barbed tail, starting to tremble in fear.

    "Failed at what? Life?" the SkyWing, Wildfire, asked, barking a laugh.

    "Stop!" Kyte tried. They ignored her.

    "Well, failing life would be expected from a stupid hybrid!" Famine the SandWing pitched in.

    "Her parents didn't even spell her name right when they were naming her!" Deathwings taunted.

    "Does that ash tree represent the fact that you should be ash?" Wildfire asked eagerly, smoke billowing from his nose and mouth.

    "No! Stop it!" Kyte cried trying to run away, but Wildfire and Famine blocked her way. Tears in the corners of her golden eyes threatened to fall.

    "Aww, is Ketchup-face gonna cry?" Deathwings asked sarcastically, lifting her chin up so that she met his hate-filled eyes. Kyte squeezed her eyes shut and slashed out with her right talon. She felt her claws meet flesh and heard a roar of pain, and when she opened her eyes she realized she had sliced three semi-deep cuts, perpendicular to each other, on the NightWing's cheek. Famine and Wildfire gasped before angrily grabbing her forearms so she couldn't flee. Deathwings glared at her with slitted eyes, smoke rising from his nose.

    "Okay, now listen here you little shit," Deathwings hissed, slamming her head against the tree, pinning it there. "Us pure bloods will be more then you'll ever be! You'll be nothing but a stupid pure-blood servin' dumb hybrid!"

     He dug his claws into her arm, throwing her to the ground and the trio walked away from her laughing. Kyte began to cry, still lying down to the ground because she didn't have the strength to get up. There were now bleeding claw marks in her arm that would eventually heal, but would leave a mental scar on her psyche for the rest of her life.

     They were always so mean to her for something she couldn't help. Of course she didn't find it fair, but she couldn't help but start to hate herself because she was different, because she was born a mistake...

     She looked at her destroyed project and began to collect the scattered sticks to recreate it.

     Little did she know, a dragon who she would soon consider to be a danger to society had been spying on her for some time now. His glasses reflected the light of the sun, the glare turning them full white,

    "Soon, little hybrid," he whispered, staring at Kyte through the tinted window of his home. "Soon..."

A.A.C. WINGLETS! [Wings of Fire Fanfic/AU]Where stories live. Discover now