Chapter Four :: Kyte

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     Kyte wouldn't sleep, she couldn't. How could she? Her parents sold her. The phrase echoed in her mind. She felt betrayed, forgotten, unwanted. Nothing but a plaything for any scientist to get their claws on her. And now there was one.

    "Hey, get up," Deathwings ordered, touching her back. Kyte opened her eyes wide. He touched her. Deathwings. He didn't push her or poke her, he touched her.

     She recoiled. Deathwings realized his mistake and hardened his expression, quickly grabbing her arm and forcibly dragging her out of the tube. She tried to dig her claws into the ground, but it was made of solid stone; the only thing she did was make scratch marks on the floor.

     He threw her into a room with a large metal table and an expectant-looking Quickclaws inside and then locked the door.

    "Oh crap," Kyte swore, spotting the malice in the wiry NightWing's silver eyes. He sauntered over to her, whipping a knife out and pressing it to her throat as soon as she opened her mouth. She froze.

    "I wouldn't suggest trying to use your fire, κγτε/TS#3927, it would end very badly for you," Quickclaws informed her. Kyte nodded stiffly, going with him as he guided her to the table. He lifted her on top of it, then quickly snapped a muzzle on her snout. I wasn't even..! Ugh, nevermind..

     Quickclaws, seeing that it was completely safe now, began to examine the hybrid. He poked and prodded her, glaring intensely at her barbed tail for awhile before finally jotting something down on his clipboard.

     He hastily took a blood sample from her arm.

    "Alright, we're going to try something now," the NightWing announced, strapping on his latex gloves.

     Kyte blinked at him curious, yet cautious.

    "What?" she asked. He brandished the knife.

    "It is known that SandWings are the second fastest healing tribe without treatment, but I wander if it is true with a SandWing SkyWing hybrid," he answered. Kyte's eyes widened.

    "You don't mean..." He had turned around to face her and was slowly approaching. Kyte screamed, trying to flee, but Quickclaws, like his name suggests, was lightening fast. He slit a gash in her shoulder surprisingly close to her wing with the blade.

     Kyte cried in pain, falling limply on the metal table as red blood gushed out of her new wound. It wasn't deep enough to scar, luckily, but it hurt like hell. She soon blacked out.

* * * * *

     Coming to her senses what she figured to be around an hour later, Kyte still felt the stinging pain in her shoulder. She could feel that the blood had clotted over the edges, but was still bleeding in the middle. The muzzle was also gone.

     She opened her eyes to realize she was strapped to the wall. She was to weak to fight, however, so she just hung there, waiting.

     The door squeaked open. Kyte looked up to see who it was. It was Deathwings. He looked at her with curiosity and another emotion she couldn't identify.

    "So.. how was it so far?" he mumbled awkwardly, scratching the floor with his claws.

    "Huh?" she asked, confused.

    "The testing? I mean, I know your not done yet, but so far?" he replied. She snorted.

    "Like you'd ever give a care," she growled, looking away. Deathwings scrunched his snout somewhat angrily.

    "Well, you know what? Fine! I don't need to know! In fact I don't even know what I was doing asking in the first place! I don't care about some ugly Ketchup-face!" he retorted in a hiss, storming out of the room.

     Kyte sighed in relief and sorrow, but before she could further process what just went on, Quickclaws entered the room. She felt her body tense up in fear.

    "Oh hello again little κγτε/TS#3927," he greeted her, grabbing an odd contraption off of the counter across the room from her. Kyte didn't respond.

    "Since the first experiment might take awhile, I'm going to conduct other smaller experiments while it's going," Quickclaws explained, making his way to her. Maybe if I cooperate, he won't hurt me as much..? she thought numbly.

    "This,"- he held up the contraption-"is a heat indicator," he explained. The contraption itself was a kind of long metal stick with a metal bowl on one end and a small screen on the other.

    "Since SkyWings have the hottest fire, I'm going to test the heat of your fire. Is it SkyWing fire or SandWing fire? Or maybe neither; maybe it's in between," he went on, eventually holding the bowl close to her snout.

    "Shoot a blast of fire," he ordered. Kyte obeyed, breathing a blast of fire out in the bowl.

    "Good," Quickclaws commented, writing something down on his clipboard.

    "Now hold in your fire 'till it's at maximum heat then shoot it." She did as she was told, blasting fire in the bowl when it was too hot in her throat to hold any longer.

    "Good! That will be all for today," he stated, scribbling something on his clipboard before coming over to unclip her. She felt to the ground, still weak, and Quickclaws dragged her all the way back to her cell. He threw her back into it before sliding the door closed and locking it.

    "We'll conduct some more tests tomorrow," the NightWing said be fire walking away, leaving her alone again.

    "Oh well.." Kyte sighed, beginning to close her eyes. After everything, tomorrow can't be that bad.. can it?

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