Chapter Three :: Kyte

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Kyte was playing with her cousin, a SandWing named Wilt. She was glad to have someone around to play with that didn't completely hate her, even if her mother, Briar, was even more toxic to Kyte than anyone else.

"Eugh, what is that thing?" the beautiful SandWing asked as she landed at the cave's entrance. Briar made it seem as if just looking at the hybrid made her feel physical pain. Kyte bowed her head, slowly lowering her wings to the ground. She was used to criticism, but this was just bullying.

"Oh, just ignore her," Starling said dismissively. "Briar, darling, come along." Spark facetaloned.

Kyte shook herself dismissing the recent memory. She glanced at her cousin, a rough, tumble, and dusty looking SandWing girl who looked nothing like her mother.

Wilt usually never interacted with Kyte, and this time was no different. She was a few yards away from Kyte, poking a bramble bush near the ash tree that the hybrid would always sit under.

Today so far had been a sort of break day. None of the neighbor dragonets had even left their houses. She wasn't complaining, but it felt sort of odd... They came out to tease her practically every day, and the fact that she would be spared just this one day didn't make sense...

Kyte sighed knocking the stack of pebbles she had built down with her tail. She laid back against the ash tree, allowing her red-spotted wings to rest on the ground, spreading them out on either side of her. She lashed her tail in a steady beat.

Over the span of a few minutes of just listening to the leaves blow (some of them crunching under Wilt's talons and her tail), her eyelids grew heavy. She began closing her golden eyes, ceasing the lashing of her tail.

She had only dosed off for a minute before she felt a cool claw poking her. She woke with a start, startled from the sudden coldness.

"Hey Ketchup-face, your mom wants you," Deathwings informed her. Kyte shooed him away.

"Just sayin'.." he muttered trudging not to his house, but up to where her cave was.

"What..?" she spread her wings, shooting into the sky. Wilt looked up at her, surprised, before trying to quickly follow her. Kyte swooped down onto the deck where her parents and Briar were talking with some slender, male NightWing.

"..yes, this will be good enough," Starling was saying, counting a cluster of Scales in her talon. Wilt landed behind her running to her mother as Kyte glared at the NightWing. He looked similar to Deathwings, and the fact that Deathwings stood right beside him in a casual slouch gave away the fact that he was indeed Deathwings' father.

The NightWing turned to stare at her, his copper-wire glasses catching the sunlight, causing the glare to momentarily blinding her.

"Hello little hybrid. My name is Quickclaws," he offered his voice kind, but a little bit.. off.. as if there was something else in it besides his intention to meet her...

"Kyte," she replied cautiously. She shook his talon.

"κγτε," he 'echoed'. She gave him a weird look.

"You'll be going by κγτε/TS#3927 from now on," Quickclaws said nonchalantly, as if, one, he was actually being serious, and two, changing a name was as simple as snapping your claws.

"Wait, I can't go by.. K.. whatever you said.! You don't have the right to-"

"He does," Spark interrupted. She stared at her father, dumbfounded.


"They sold you to him," Briar explained while picking thorns out from between Wilt's scales. Speaking of her cousin, she looked like she couldn't care less about what happened tho Kyte, and, to be honest, she probably didn't.

Kyte stared around at all of their faces.

     Spark: indifferent.

Deathwings: smug.

Starling and Briar: relieved.

Wilt: (Wilt wasn't looking at her).

Quickclaws: eager.

She backed up. Deathwings lunged forward, locking his talon around her forearm before she could fly away.

"Hey!" she yelled, trying to fly away anyway. He was too strong, and, according to his fathers orders, dragged her all the way back to their house.

She was still fighting tooth and claw to get away, but she froze when they entered the door. She had always imagined the inside of Deathwings' house as a normal, suburban house, but this.. this was no house. If anything, it was a lab. A science lab. Uh oh...

Deathwings shoved her into a glowing, aqua tube big enough to fit two of her if stacked. She landed with an "oof", and Quickclaws slammed the slider door of the glass. She leaped up scratching at the door before looking up at the NightWing with fear-rimmed eyes.

The kind look on his face was gone, replaced with a cold, calculating one.

"Rest, little κγτε/TS#3927 for in the morning, we shall begin."

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