a/n: guys i'm like actually fr fr back like i'm not gonna make gal wait like weeks for an update sorry bout that mates
i might not update everyday just bc i don't want to feel obligated to yk, this is supposed to be a free space for me to let out my creativity and just ~write~
sooo without further ado let's get on with tonight's writing prompt'what is the best and worst thing about being a human'
welp here we go
honestly for me the worst thing about being a human is how incredibly weak we are compared to other animals
like a bear or lion or smth like that could clock us out any day
so physically we are weak AF
but i also think that our human intelligence makes up for it
which is the best thing about being a human...
we aren't complete dumbasses by animalistic standards
i mean yes you could be classified as a 'dumbass' for doing something dumb, but that's by human standards
somthing that we may do that we consider 'dumb' is probably more intelligent than any other animal on the planet
with a close second to dolphins, chimps and dogs ofc
hence why we are at the top of the food chain, bc we are able to outsmart the other animals more often than not
also the fact that our metabolisms are so different that kinda pisses me off like pls give me a fast one 😩😩
but still there's a lot that i don't like about being a human, but ig it's alright when we are the only species that actually loves our mates (and also fun fact: we are one of i think 2 species that i know of that actually have sex for fun and not just bc it's mating season, the other being dolphins)
you cant get better than loving your mate
anyways ty all for dealing with my bs and enjoy this adorable pic of the baby miyas •w•
~writing prompts~
De Todoohayo loves don't mind me just rebuilding my writing skillz😌 just a bunch of writing prompts like don't even take this seriously hahaha BUT if anyone has any suggestions for prompts don't be shy to drop a comment or pm me!! anyways loves enjoy ᕕ(...