fifty five: reasoning

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LYRA RUBBED AT her eyes as she stepped into the common room, completely taken aback by the sight before her. Regulus was practically in tears on the floor with his knees up against his chest, and Mason was pacing across the room with his hands in his hair. It was about 6:45 in the morning. She had come down early because she felt so bad about being late yesterday, she wanted to be extra early today.

"What the hell are you two doing?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows. Both boys snapped their heads up at the sound of her voice. There was a moment of dead silence in the air until they broke out into a sprint, tackling her so hard into a hug that the trio toppled over, landing on the concrete floor. "I know I like to say I'm one of the boys at times-" Lyra wheezed. "but you can keep the rough housing to yourselves"

Instead of answering, Regulus grabbed one of his notebooks that he had carelessly thrown on the floor earlier that morning, and started lightly (but still a little harshly) hitting her leg with it. "Hey!" she whined, frowning as she instinctively went to hide behind Mason. The boy took a step back, giving her a pointed look saying, 'you deserve this'.

"What did I do" she huffed, crossing her hands over her chest like a child. Regulus threw his arms out to the side in an exaggerated manner. "You sent a patronus to my room at two in the morning saying that you were going to die!" Lyra's eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about that. "And then when I went to find you, you're entire dorm was cleared of all of your things! I've been going quite literally out of my bloody mind!"

The young witch squeezed her eyes shut, feeling immensely bad for all of the pain she had caused him. "Oh" she murmured, lips forming a thin line. "Sorry about that?" She winced as the words left her mouth. Regulus raised his eyebrows, about to whack her the notebook again when she quickly stopped him, using her magic to guide the item into her own hands.

"I promise I have a good reason" she sighed. "We'll talk about it after classes when I can show you all at the same time" Lyra readjusted her robes, and with the wave of her hand gathered the rest of Mason and Regulus' school belongings and lightly placed them within their grasp. "Someone is feeling extra confident in their magic today" the Black boy mocked, watching the girl leave the common room.

Mason only shrugged, furrowing his eyebrows a bit. "Your sister's bloody crazy, I swear" He blew out a tired breath, running a hand down his face. The younger boy rolled his eyes. "Says the one whose in love with her" he retorted, following after Lyra. The Burke audibly gasped, jaw dropping as he rushed after him. "I am not" he insisted.

Regulus almost chuckled at the statement. He wasn't daft, and he knew his best friend well. Not even bothering to turn back, he simply said all that needed to be said.

"Yeah, and I'm a fucking bat with wings"

✰ ✰ ✰

Lyra mindlessly poked at her food with her fork, pushing it around her plate. It was dinner now. Her mind was tired and so was her body. Not surprisingly at all, it does take a lot of energy to keep her magic in check at all times.

Her friends were surrounding her, all in their own conversations. They probably noticed that she wasn't in the mood to talk, and she was grateful for that. Perhaps, she could finally feel some peace... or perhaps not. Her head abruptly shifted upwards once she felt a new presence sit next to her in the spot that was previously empty.

"Evening" Evan greeted, nodding his head. This caused the entirety of The Lean Green Slytherin Team to stop what they were doing, their attentions now fully on him. The Rosier raised his eyebrows. "Do you guys ever stop doing... that?" he questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

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