sixty six: check ups

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A FEW DAYS have passed since the accident. Lyra was still in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey continuing to say that she needed to rest before fully returning back to her studies. James spent every waking moment with her. He brought their meals to her bed, gave her the daily copies of the newspaper, and sang her to sleep. In fact, the only time he wasn't with her was when he was in class. He even made it a point to sleep next to her just in case she was in any pain or anything like that and needed immediate attention. Most times the nurse allowed it.

Each of her friends trickled in after another, wanting to make sure that she was okay. They all knew that there was something serious to discuss, but they must wait until Madam Pomfrey released her so that they could speak within the privacy of dorm 423. Peter occasionally snuck her some treats, and Remus would bring her books he thought she would enjoy. She felt rather lucky to experience such love from everyone.

The only people who haven't shown up to see her were surprisingly, Mason and Sirius. It was as if they were avoiding her room like the plague. Sirius was trying his best to respect his brother — Regulus' — wishes. He would simply settle for asking his best mate about how she was for now.

Mason, on the other hand, just couldn't bring himself to see her. After witnessing the horrid event of her bleeding out for the entirety of the great hall to see, it was as if his own life had stopped. He hadn't attended a single class since then. He wanted to be in Lyra's presence, but he also couldn't bring himself to. He was so scared of what he might find.

Regulus has tried talking to him multiple of times, but still, Mason refuses to listen. He wanted more than anything to make sure that she was alright, but for right now, he just needed to stay away from the situation all together.

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"Thank you so much, Madam Pomfrey" Lyra sincerely stated. She was so grateful for all that the woman had done for her. "It was my pleasure, Ms. Black. Please stay safe out there, my dear" A frown appeared on the nurse's face. She couldn't bear to handle another situation like that. Lyra was such a sweet girl, and her almost death was so frightening, it even made her rethink her career for a bit.

"I promise" the young witch smiled, grabbing onto the cane that was provided for her to help her walk. While she was all healed up, Lyra did still find it somewhat hard to move properly. She assumed it was some sort of internal damage that had been done.

Knowing that all of the students were currently in class, Lyra freely left the room, not bothering to turn herself invisible. Truthfully, she wasn't actually sure if her magic was even working. She couldn't really feel it's presence anymore, which was strange. Earlier that morning, she had attempted to fold the blanket given to her with a snap of her fingers, but nothing had happened.

Her walk down to the dungeons was rather tiring, and she always had her left hand on the wall for extra support. Once she reached the pathway, she quickly uttered the password, releasing a sigh of content once the stones moved.

It took her approximately another eleven minutes to actually make it up each of the stair cases, Lyra practically out of breath once she reached her floor. "Merlin's beard" she grunted. "I need to learn how to fly" She slowly approached the end of the hall, quite ready to lay back down in a bed. Once she passed the the threshold, she sharply gasped at the sight before her.

Mason was sitting in the middle of the floor, his knees tucked beneath his chin, and her blanket wrapped around him, almost like a burrito. Once he saw her enter, he immediately jumped up to his feet. "You're okay" he breathed. It was an observation of sorts. His eyes scanned every inch of her body, more than pleased to find that there wasn't a scratch on her. He did frown at the cane, though.

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