seventy eight: spats

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LYRA LOOKED AROUND at her friends lovingly. They were all gathered around Ella's Christmas tree, finally decorating it with ornaments she had bought a few weeks before. The Macmillan, prior to the arrival of Lyra and Regulus, had decided she would decorate the tree the morning of Christmas since she knew she wouldn't be opening any presents. She wanted to do at least one seasonal tradition the day of. So, here they were.

Nothing had passed between Regulus and James over the past couple of days. Only mere words of greeting or 'sorry' if one accidentally got in the other's way. The tension has been uncomfortable, but there wasn't much any of the others could do to help it. James has of course, mainly been sticking to Lyra. He's been trying to get used to just being her friend again. While his romantic feelings for her were very much still there, he's done his best to ignore them. Which, he's obviously been failing at.

Mason even laughed at him after Lyra had left their presence the night before, nudging the Potter in the side and telling him, 'hiding true feelings are harder than you thought, huh?'. James had only pursed his lips and rolled his eyes, silently thinking to himself that he should be able to do this. Merlin, how did Lyra do it? Maybe she was struggling just as much as him.

"Could you put this one up there?" Lyra asked her 'twin', handing him an ornament. She would have done it herself but she didn't want to step up that high. She was too afraid she'd fall and then accidentally hurt her baby. Her hand slyly made its way to her stomach as she caressed it. Luckily for the girl, James was a little too preoccupied to notice, trying to balance an ornament of his own on a branch, however it kept slipping off.

Regulus finished placing the ornament Lyra had given him towards the top of the tree, the four teens then stepping back to look at their work. "I think that's rather good, no?" Ella hummed, a smile on her face. Mason chuckled at her words. The tree was sort of... cute? More so in a way where it seemed like children decorated it. He wasn't sure why it looked so lopsided. Perhaps the girls were working quicker when it came to getting the ornaments on. Each of the boy's sides looked slightly more plain.

"It's perfect" Lyra whispered, a soft sigh escaping her lips. She absolutely loved the outcome of the tree. It just felt like them, if that made sense. She's never had a real tree in a real home before. She's never got to be surrounded by family in a loving manner on Christmas day. This was all new for her, and she couldn't be more grateful.

"Lyra, is it okay if I speak with you for a moment?" James asked, interrupting her thoughts. She looked over at him, slightly confused at his want to be alone. He seemed a bit nervous. Nonetheless, she nodded her head as she began to lead him towards the bedroom.

Ella watched them go with raised eyebrows. She wondered if Lyra would break the news now. Perhaps she could surprise the Potter and label it as his present. "Well, do you boys want some cocoa while we wait?" she questioned, already checking the cupboard for mugs.

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James closed the door behind them, nervously wiping his hands on his pants. Lyra had taken a seat on the bed, staring up at him expectantly. She looked beautiful, just as she always did. No. Snap out of it. He had to stop thinking about her that way. It would only make things for him worse.

"I know I've only been here for a few days, and tension has run quite high with my presence" he sighed, daring to sit next to her. He sucked in a breath when their thighs touched, the girl gulping and pulling away. "Sorry" she murmured quickly. "No, no. It was my fault" he stammered, his foot lightly tapping against the floor board. "I sat too close. I shouldn't do that"

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