ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 15 (ℍ𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕠𝕦𝕥)

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'Thank you so much, that you guys are here with me. I hope y'all don't leave me'



It's been 3 weeks since, I'm in the hospital and today... FINALLY! I'M FULLY DISCHARGE HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *COUGH* *COUGH* AAGHH MY THROAT! Okay I'm sorry about that. As I said I'm finally fully discharge, I grab all my clothes that I used while staying at the hospital from the closet.

I then heard a knock

Me: "Come in!"

I said as I turn around and saw Inui

Me: "Sei-kun!!"

I said as I dash towards him and hug him,

Inui: "Be careful N/N!"

He said as his right hand on my waist while the left one was on my shoulder. I just giggle and broke the hug and backed away a little.

Me: "Hehe sorry I'm just happy!"

I said as I turn around and pack my clothes

Inui: "Ah! I'll do that! Go take a bath"

He said as he stop me, I just sigh and nod. I know I can't say 'no' to him. I then grab my towel and my clothes. I then go straight to the bathroom which is connected to my room unit.

After that I then went out and saw the boy's we're already here, talking, laughing, and playing. When they heard the bathroom door open, they then stop talking, laughing and playing then they look at me.

Me: "Um... what?"

They just stay silent and look at my outfit, there's nothing wrong though?

They just stay silent and look at my outfit, there's nothing wrong though?

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(Btw this is what Y/N wore, but the jacket was a bit long)

I just shrugged and grab the blower to dry my hair.

Izana: "Y/N change your top cloth"

Izana said as I look at him while blowering my hair

Me: "Why?"

Ran: "Just change Y/N"

Koko: "Don't go out like that"

They said as I look at them with 'wtf' look

Me: "Why? You never said that to me. I always sometime wore some clothes like this and you just complain now?"

I said and ask at the same time

Kakucho: "Just change Y/N, 'kay?"

Rindou: "You can wear that but not outside anymore, just inside"

Inui: "Guys come on, don't be like that to N/N, she just got discharge. Let her wear that as for now"

Inui said trying to protect me, they just sigh and nod their heads. After I blower my hair, I then turn around and look at them.

Me: "Hey guys!"

I said happily as they look at me

All: "Yes/What/What is it?"

They ask at them same time. I then grin widely

Me: "Let's go hangout!! And after that I'm going to see Mikey-kun, Emma-chan, and Shi-nii!! It's almost a year since I didn't see them!Or maybe just tomorrow"

I said, yes I know Mikey-kun and Emma-chan because of Izana. And yes in this story, Mikey and Izana we're not enemies, also Shinichiro is aliiiiveee.

Koko: "Where do you want to go?"

Izana: "We'll take you anywhere you want/like."

They said as they go back playing while talking to me and listening to me

Me: "Anywhere is fine! As long as you guys we're with me!"

I said as I laugh, they look at me and laugh after

Ran: "You're so cute Y/N"

Kakucho: "Yeah can't argue with that"

(That's right! Reader is sooo cute!! Don't you dare deny it!)

Me: "Hahaha thanks!"

Inui: "Okay that's enough, let's go now. Let's drop N/N's things in our mansion first, then we'll hangout after"

Inui said as the others just nod and I just jump happily.

I'll do part 2 of this! I know
that I put in the next chapter was 'I hate you' so I'll change that into 'Hangout 2' and after that 'I hate you'.

So that's all for now! Hope you guys like this chapter! Bye!

Next Chapter

Chapter 16 (Hangout 2)


Chapter 17 (I hate you)

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