I pouted, sighing, feeling my head pound like mad while my body feels like I was ran over by a double-decker.
My eyes opened with difficulty, but God, once they did, my mood lightened up and content smile plastered on my face.
My favourite iced vanilla late on almond milk, deliciously smelling chocolate muffin and huge, gorgeous bouquet of pink and white roses are awaiting on my nightstand.
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Though, I am questioning presence of some pills and bottle of water. Nevertheless, I feel better due to such sweet surprise.
I sat up, only to whimper at how dizzy that made me feel. My back leaned on the headboard and I examined my appearance, seeing a bruise on my right arm: it is tended to. My mind is hazy - I do not remember anything after Nadine picked me up.
"You are awake."- sighed in relief husky, velvety voice, capturing my attention.
Prepossessingly sculpted face is adorned by the slightest stubble that has me weak in my knees. Velvety, luminous, voluminous, chocolate brown hair is damp and messy as a fan small stands hang above his forehead. Clear, smooth, dewy skin.
Broad, strapping back and masculine shoulders; powerful, muscular, inked arms; vast, sinewy chest; lean waist; desirable, delectable, sexy 6 pack; deep V-line and appealing hips; long, toned legs. Black, silk boxers are all that he has on.
If my head weren't pounding so much, I'd have quite a few ideas what I'd love do to.
"How do you feel, my love?"- asked in care Aidan, sitting down next to me.
"Like I was ran over a few double-deckers."- I replied, sighing in relief as he kissed my forehead tenderly, soothing the aching headache.
I have no courage to question anything, so I did what my frail self wanted: I scooted aside and laid him next to myself, sighing once he cuddled me, kissing the top of my head fondly, caressing the back of my head so, so, so, so pleasantly.
"Do you remember anything, my love?"- he asked on worry, holding me close, and I shook my head, only to regret that decision, frowning at the lightheaded feeling.
"You should have a pill and eat, darling, it will make you feel better."- said warmly Aidan, laying balmy kiss on my temple.
I complied without reluctance, being beyond grateful for his care and love.
"Thank you very much, my life. I truly appreciate it."- I spoke softly with a smile, kissing his cheek, smiling as he hugged me, smiling dreamily at me.
"My utmost pleasure, baby girl. I am glad it cheered you up, angel."- replied Aidan sweetly, being such a sweetheart and gentleman.
I kissed his forehead, giggling when he encouraged me to eat while tucking me in, staying right by my side. I snuggled into his side, feeling better and better with each minute passing by with me in his strong, loving, protective arms.