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3 months in Circus,
I didn't know what my purpose is,
I am an aspiring poet-artist.
I'm here because of a promise.

We tried the trapeze,
I'm still hanging while I watch you leave.
I did everything,
Now I'm down on my knees.

Crossing on the tightrope,
Holding on with our hopes.
That someday we will elope,
But ended up slipping in the slope.

Told me you're into juggling.
And now you started tossing,
The sweet promises I believed in,
Guess you had fun playing.

It's so fun to remember it,
That's why we didn't fit in.
You're a clown, and I'm an artist.
You're good at entertaining and teasing,
I write poems and lyrics.
That's why I fell in your promises in the beginning.

The circus still exist now,
In Springfield, the biggest circus in town.
You'll never leave them with a frown,
Until you met that clown.

It's a great show,
And now I know,
It's good to have our last bow,
Expunging our vows.

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