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She'd found out what the ball had been for on their trip from the countryside. The royals were throwing a ball for the other rich nobles, all in hope they would offer help or gold, preferably troops and armies, Ophelia had said. And it was an invitation only ball. No wonder no one ever heard of them until the rich and fancies were all dressed up and heading to the castle. They often stayed in their big manors off in the country and other towns. The lands they oversaw by rule of the king, Ophelia and Alastair's father.

"What did you think of the gardens we went to?" Evander asked.

Aurora stopped with the fork halfway to her mouth and looked across the table at him.

"It was beautiful," she replied.

"Would you want something like that?"

"What do you mean?" she said and put her fork down. The trip out to the countryside had been a few days ago and since then he hadn't brought up any mention of the manor till that moment.

"I'm just trying to learn the things you like," he said with a smile and continued eating. He sipped from the spoon, the soup that was also served for breakfast.

"Oh, your dress should be arriving any time today," he said continuing to talk while he ate.

"My dress?" she asked. She hadn't picked her fork back up to resume eating her egg.

"Yes, the one you were wearing when we met. I had it sent out to be cleaned and I received word you should be getting back today."

"Thank you," she said and he simply nodded at her. "Evander." Her voice was quiet but he heard her.

He stopped and looked. "Yes?"

"What can I do to repay you for all your kindness you've shown me? You rescued me from what could have been my last moments on this land. And then you took me in. You gave me clothes. You've fed me. You've even taken me out of your house and treated me like a person. Like I was one of you, and even after I told you I was nothing more than a commoner you still spoke to me. I want to do something for you to show you how grateful I am. Is there something I could do around here? Maybe, would you allow me to work in your service?"

That time he put his fork down.

"Aurora, I didn't do any of that to get something from you. You were in need of help and I was the one who was there. There's nothing more to it."

"But you've done more than just rescue me," she said.

"I may have," he said but avoided looking at her.

"Please, what can I do?" she asked.

"I don't want anything from you," he said. He did look back at her, but he was wearing a smile. "Just be comfortable and relax. Try not to stress over a repayment I will not accept from you." The last part he smirked.


"No," he said and held a finger up with a wink.

She closed her mouth and stared at him. He gave her a shrug and went back to his soup.

After breakfast Evander disappeared for a time and she was left to find her own way around the estate. She ended up just wandering around and didn't want to admit she'd actually gotten lost in the manor.

It when she finally, somehow, made her way back to the dining room on the ground floor that she knew how to find her rooms that she heard her name called from behind her.

She turned and found Evander and two of his men in their dark serf outfits. One had a long bag draped over his arm.

"Your dress has arrived. It is back to perfect," he said with a smile.

Shadows of Iraedes | NanoWrimo 2021Where stories live. Discover now