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"Seal of Demons!" one of the holy sankts yelled and all the white robbed holy figures raised a wood stick that was sanded without any sharp ends. The sticks the sankts held were different colors, some green, some yellow like the color of oak, red and there were some that were black. Evander wasn't sure if the colors meant anything or if it was just a preference of the sankt. He hoped they didn't mean anything worse than the other. They now had to deal with sankts, and he didn't know all of their powers. If they decided to use their magic bestowed on them from the belief in Sathoro, Evander and Aurora could very well be in trouble.

Evander took a hold on her arm and tugged her behind him. He closed the gap between the two of them, keeping her close by him. He moved around trying to keep an eye on all who surrounded them. He circled, following the shape the people created, keeping Aurora at the center, the safest spot he could make for her at the moment with being surrounded by enemies on all sides. Gharet even was an enemy, which meant Evander was the only one who could protect her, nor would he even want his help if that were an option.

In the air seeming like a flame was burning without any flint or steel nor a torch were the shapes of floating circles. As each sankt drew their circle the flames flickered and snapped quietly.

"What are you doing? She's no demon!" Evander yelled.

Gharet jumped to his feet and moved to look at the holy sankts around him.

What is this!" Gharet asked. "Leave us!" Gharet swiped a hand across thin air, wanting them to disperse like smoke.

The burning circles floating in the air flew up and joined in the center, laying one over the other and then began growing in size.

The circles, sitting one on top of the other creating a tall spiral, sat suspended in the air only the flickering of the flames echoed over the hill. Then suddenly they dropped to the ground as if someone had pulled a tablecloth out from beneath them and they were crashed to the ground like porcelain dishes.

They collapsed down around Aurora perfectly, trapping her in a tower of burning rings.

"Aurora!" both Evander and Gharet yelled.

They didn't bother looking at the other and just tried reaching for her. Her hands were still bound with the rope Gharet had tied around her hands. She tried reaching for Evander but when her skin touched the fire she leapt back with a startle.

"What is this?" Evander yelled.

Gharet stepped up to the circles surrounding Aurora and gingerly tried touching them.

"Aurora, get over here," he said and then put a hand through the flaming rings like they didn't burn at all.

He took her arm and pulled and the second she touched the flames she screamed.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Evander ran over and pushed Gharet from Aurora. "Can't you see they hurt her!"

"Don't you get in the middle of this! I already told you, it's none of your business. Go back to whatever lady you are courting, and leave my wife to me! I will save her, and I will take her far away, where you can never find her!"

Evander raised a fist to bash it into Gharet again but this time Gharet ducked and slammed his own against Evander. Clipping him across the cheek Evander stumbled back.

"Get away!" Gharet yelled.

"Don't touch him!" Aurora yelled from behind the fire.

"Quiet!" Gharet shouted to Aurora. "He is nothing to you! Don't even fantasize about him! I am all you need!" Gharet put a thumb to his chest. "Me, Aurora, I have been there for you through everything! I would do anything for you!"

Shadows of Iraedes | NanoWrimo 2021Where stories live. Discover now