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"That's her!" She knew that voice immediately. The music faltered and the dancers around them stopped. Everyone was looking at who had shouted.

A pointed finger stretched toward her and she met his angry gaze. His light brown eyes blazed with a smug triumph that he had found her. And he had interrupted what might have been the best night of her life, had he stayed away. Gharet stood at the edge of the crowd that was beginning to part a path straight for her. Behind him stood holy sankts in their white pristine robes. She didn't know what was going on, or how he had found her, and why of all night had he decided it to be that one. She wished he would stay away and let her find happiness, but it was clear as crystal he was not finished making her life a living nightmare. And it was about to get a whole lot worse.

Three holy sankts strode forward with powerful purpose. They were of the Thoro and no one, not even the crown could stop them when they were on their religious quest.

The holy sankts surrounded her, two grabbing her arms and the third pushing Evander away. He moved with blind numbness. Like he couldn't believe what was happening but he obeyed them. For a moment.

"What's going on?" Evander grabbed the arm of one who had Aurora and was starting to pull her away from him.

"She's a danger to herself and to those around her," the sankt replied emotionless.

"What has she done?" Evander demanded, not releasing his hold on the man's arm. He was squeezing so tight the robe's sleeve was crinkling under his hold.

"That concern is between us and her husband, no please let us do our job," the sankt yanked his arm back and Evander was forced to release his grip.

Aurora looked over her shoulder at Evander with a pleading look but all he did was return a look of pity. There was nothing he could do.

"Evander!" she cried and she felt the tears pooling at the edges of her eyes.

The sankts dragged her toward where Gharet was standing who was grinning ear to ear that he had just won and then they pushed her past him and through the halls. All the guests in their magnificent dresses and dress clothes had gone silent and were watching as she was paraded out of the castle between the two sankts. Gharet walked behind her and she felt his breath by her ear.

"You can never leave me," he whispered so only she could hear.

She looked down to the red carpet beneath their feet and she let the tears fall. She had tried so hard and even when she had called to Evander, he didn't do anything, but she knew he couldn't and it wasn't his fault.

They reached the entrance and they had to practically drag her down the steps her feet didn't want to walk any more. By the end of the stairs they were carrying her. A carriage stood waiting with a single horse at the head.

"Alright, thank you for returning my wife to me. I will take her from here," Gharet said and reached for Aurora's arm but a sankt moved in the way and they continued toward the carriage.

"Wait," he reached out putting a hand on one of the sankt's shoulders. "What's going on? You are to release her to me!"

"No, we have deemed her a danger to herself and to everyone around her, including yourself, sir," the sankt said stepping in the way to keep Gharet from getting past him. They played a foot dance as Gharet would try and step around but the sankt stepped with him, keeping him at bay and blocking his way.

"Where are you taking her?" he shouted. Aurora heard the anger filling his voice and the air around them. His voice carried over the frosting lawns leading up to the castle's main entrance.

Shadows of Iraedes | NanoWrimo 2021Where stories live. Discover now